Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mardi Gras Parade


awgeedawggy said...

Hey thanks for the great pictures of the parade. The guys with the BIG shopping cart were down in the shopping center getting ready b4 the parade, and they were a big hit there also.

Joe Lintner said...

You're welcome.
I saw those guys down at the shopping center and almost took their picture there but decided to wait until the parade.
That was a neat contraption.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the great pics !!! Mussers shopping cart hot rod was awesome !!!! the parade was exceptional this year too! someone said to me friday that they didn't realize the parade had a theme and that their wish for next years HALLOWEEN PARADE theme is HALLOWEEN !!!!!! how brillient is that?!?!?! they said how cool would it be to have lots of walkers dressed in COSTUMES like they did back in the day !!!!!! think about it. Cool huh! a big thank you to all the people who work very hard to host such an awesome was fantastic :)

Joe Lintner said...

Yes, a big "thank you" to all involved. It was a grand event. A Halloween theme for the Halloween parade - seems appropriate!

Anonymous said...

yes, i have to agree! "Halloween" ...hmmm, I like the sound of that.

Joe Lintner said...

Makes sense.