Sunday, October 14, 2012

More Controversy at the Columbia Market House






Anonymous said...

what BS ! the trust mUST be taken down.
in other news, Norm advertised forhis WHY would they put a dollar amount in the ad?????????????

Anonymous said...

saw a red van at the market yesterday

Anonymous said...

Red van belongs to Rays Produce!

Anonymous said...

Remember when everyone wanted Sears out? Now look

Anonymous said...

Cole, on Monday October 22, 2012 at 5.... a pep rally will be held in front of the boro to honor both Carmen and Keagy. Please join for your upfront pictures. Its a shame nothing changed.... the boro had it good when they had Carmen as manager and keagy as the produce king in market!! Carmen had heart and cared about her vendors. Why does the boro continue to take the heat for the Trust.... why did the boro TRUST the trust to make a difference???

Joe Lintner said...

Thanks, I'll be there. The Trust has had a history of controversy and needs to be dissolved.

Anonymous said...

Was great to finally see decent produce at the Columbia Market House. The stuff from Ray's was actually fresh, unlike the sad stuff that Keagy hauled all over creation before it got to Columbia. If you like produce turning bad the day after you buy it, welcome Keagy back.

Joe Lintner said...

Sounds like you might have a vested interest in this - or know someone who does.

Anonymous said...

Was the market manager aware of the "sad" produce that Keagy was selling? If so, it was his responsibility (as manager) to discuss the problem produce with Keagy, to ensure the market's reputation. Funny how this surfaced AFTER the latest controversy!

Joe Lintner said...

Responsibility is a foreign concept to some.