Sunday, December 12, 2021

PHOTOS: This Week in Columbia

Recent photos of Columbia 

(Click /tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

Here's a canine expressing his opinion downtown.

This one on South 3rd looks like he's trying to.

This train was at the bridge plaza this week during the Toys for Tots program there.

This display was recently placed at the United Methodist Church at 510 Walnut Street.

This illuminated clock is at the Global Time Wizard on the 500 block of Locust.

Borough Hall got new "signage" this week. 
Here's a workman applying a decal on the entrance door.

And then, the great reveal . . .


The logo also appears on the "show" window.

Here's another new sign. This one's on the 200 block of Locust.

Our skies continue to feature all manner of aircraft.

Our streets continue to feature all manner of residents.

More scarf bombing at Columbia Presbyterian

121 North 5th Street is being renovated.

The chimney might need some immediate attention, though.

Apparently, some people don't know the 2020 election is over.

According to "Council members will allow 315 Locust Street project and Cimarron Construction to demolish two buildings comprising about 27,000 square feet at 307, 309 and 315 Locust to make way for a mixed-use development. The new residential/business project will include 37 apartments, ground-floor commercial businesses and 37 parking spaces."

How will construction affect bank customers at the drive-through?

A renovation is in progress next to the hotel.

It's at the former Sudstown Laundromat.

The Eberly Myers apartment building project at 132 Locust Street continues to progress.

There it goes!
The trunk of the sycamore tree from 921 Lancaster Avenue was taken away this week.
Stronger borough leadership could have prevented its removal.

Earlier in the week, the trunk put up quite a fight.

Workers tried digging it out with a backhoe.

At one point, the driver even tried pushing it over with the machine's shovel.

After a great struggle, the mighty sycamore began to give up the fight.

Even though the main part of the trunk was finally removed, the remaining section in the ground resisted.

But even that section fell prey to the backhoe. Now it's time to begin the Majik store project.

And finally, here's another December sunset.


Radical rag said...

The boro is allowing demolition of the old hotel locust, prob one of the most historic buildings in Columbia, unbelievable!

Joe Lintner said...

Part of the plan is to "Maintain and renovate front building and facade" according to documents included in the 11/23/21 Columbia Borough Council meeting packet.

Joe Lintner said...

The rest of the building will be demolished.