Saturday, March 22, 2014

Haters gonna hate

I'm surprised at all the recent negativity aimed at Columbia's mention in Smithsonian Magazine as one of the "20 best small towns to visit." And by negativity, I'm referring to name-calling, snarky comments, and outright condescension. Some people's eyes must be going funny from all the looks they're giving down their noses.
In this blog, I've sometimes been critical of the town, and with cause, but I've also given credit where it's due. Most of the time, my criticisms are aimed at prodding local officials and pointing out problems.
I was born and raised in Columbia and still live here. I walk and drive its streets. I patronize its businesses almost daily, and I've paid taxes for years. For those reasons, I reserve the right to be critical. Can the naysayers cite similar claims for the right to be derogatory? Is there a valid justification for it?
For current residents who are consistently negative about the town: What have you done to improve the community? For that matter, why are you still here?
For those from outside the community: Jealous much? Because I'm convinced jealousy is what's driving the vehement contempt and grade school level name-calling. Columbia has finally gotten much-deserved recognition, and some people just can't handle it.
Of course, we all have the freedom to express our opinions, even uninformed ones.  I've been reading a lot of those lately.


Anonymous said...

I saw the comments posted on the Lancaster Online site and there is one that sticks out in my mind. It went something like this: "I love in Columbia and don't want to visit".
Yes, it really said love, but I'm guessing the person meant live. To this person I say, why are you here? If it is so bad, just leave. People that have not taken the time to educate themselves on the history of Columbia cannot appreciate it. The negative comments stem from ignorance.

Joe Lintner said...

Right you are.

Anonymous said...

it's a fine line between "critical" and "derogatory " my friend

Joe Lintner said...

Not necessarily. There's such a thing as constructive criticism. I've never heard of constructive derogatoriness. Criticism can be derogatory but isn't always. Derogatory has a negative connotation (and denotation). Derogatory is exclusively pejorative, whereas critical is not.

Anonymous said...

Cole you must be related to the Wallendas because you maintain that fine line so well.

Joe Lintner said...

Thanks, but don't forget that even Wallendas occasionally fall.

Anonymous said...

Cole thank you for all you do for us Columbians! We DO appreciate it! I agree. I just wish the Boro and its Codes Dept WOULD be so proud of our Columbia and INSIST the guilty ones clean up their trash and messes. We are paying their salaries & they are going to hire ANOTHER code officer & the ones they have (3) do NOT concentrate on the downtown area, the gateways into the Boro for trash, dog waste, weeds, etc. and that is a must. the Boro wants to revitalize the downtown but what do they do or are they doing to encourage it??????

Anonymous said...

i do believe that the true Columbians do take pride in our awesome little Boro. I also believe that the very high number of people coming into this Boro to rent (because its cheaper???) hurt our town. They cause our schools to be burdened and overcrowded. the majority do NOT care about our town. sorry but i think there needs to be some reform to all renters. ALL renters with children age birth to 21 should ALL have to pay taxes for ALL the services these children receive. therefore the parent(s) or guardian should be taxed ...say $1,000.00 per year...maybe costs so much more to educate the children. and we ALL need to buy local more! we have all these great antique shops, great art galleries, nice places to eat, watch * clock, Wrights Ferry Mansion, Turkey Hill Experience, and don't forget there are a huge amount of people who LOVE ALL this rich history and thats where Chris Vera & all his volunteers come in. thank you to ALL local business owners and volunteers!!
oh can't forget-this is where the Boro MUST step up to the plate & work with the local business owners to make this even better!

Joe Lintner said...

Right. The town isn't perfect. It's not above reproach, but what town is? Just because there's work to be done doesn't mean we deserve all the sarcastic, offhand comments being lobbed at us.

Joe Lintner said...

I agree with your ideas about renter reform.
Columbia has a lot to offer, and I believe it's on its way back.

Anonymous said...

wow - after years of you posting " constructively" critical stories and statements about the deficiencies within the Borough - you're surprised at the comments that crop up when there is a positive story ?

Anonymous said...

we need to JACK UP the rental license fees so that Landlords are forced to raise their rents and attract better tenants. Take rental license fees to the highest limit allowed by law ! Take all fees to what you would expect to see in a town that is in the "top 20" , including parking meter rates !

Joe Lintner said...


Chris Vera said...

Thanks Readers,

For such kind words of support and recognition of the Columbia Historic Preservation Society. We look at our mission as not a building made of bricks and mortar, but the history we teach on the land that we bestow as Columbia.
Currently, I have been meeting with other UGGR Historians on the fact that Columbia, PA being the home of the Underground Railroad in the United States. Our UGRR Bus Trips are becoming a popular destination by visitors all over the Northeast and afar. We have trips scheduled from May to November that will show how Columbia's part was vital of freedom of many, many slaves. My current research is on the tunnels that slaves would have hid in until their safe transportation to the North and eventually Canada.
Look for some great things from CHPS this year with events such as the Albatwitch Festival, Ed King Memorial Train Show, History & Haunts Tours, and other events being planned currently.
Our exhibits have changed slightly for 2014, Banner Hall exhibit is "Business & Industry in Columbia", Miller Manse exhibit is "Secrets and Slaves at the Columbia Bank & Bridge Company".
Being 13th on the Smithsonian is a great mention on how we are building our town with foundation that was made at this time in the early to late 1800's. The towns that surround us will be looking on the outside to be critical of Columbia's mention on the list. Let us show them our pride and work closer together to be number one in our book.
Again, thank you so much for your kind words and support of our Board of Directors at the Columbia Historic Preservation Society.

We need your support,

Christopher Vera
Director, Columbia Historic Preservation Society

Joe Lintner said...

I'm sure a lot of people share my sentiments when I say that your service to, and support of, Columbia has been remarkable. Your efforts are appreciated by many.

Anonymous said...

agree! thank you to Chris Vera and all the volunteers at Historic Society! There you have a group of people who love Columbia and are doing their best to put it back on the map!! I'm sure they could use some support.