Monday, March 30, 2015

Park signs - the rest of the story

There are three more signs in Locust Street Park - in addition to the one pictured in yesterday's post. Two are similar to the sign shown previously, and one contains slightly different wording. These photos are from a previous blog post that can be found here:

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Locust Street Park regulations now enforced

A local resident points to the regulations for Locust Street Park to remind police to patrol and enforce. Warmer weather is on tap for this coming week, which will encourage people to congregate in the park, and last year saw a lot of vandalism there. At its November 10, 2014 meeting, Columbia Borough Council voted unanimously to give police enforcement powers in the park.

What I saw recently

Around town . . .

 A bird in hand . . . 

 might be worth 10 or 11 in the bush.

 These flags are even worse this time. Are they symbols of our divided nation and revisionist history?


 Not quite Iwo Jima

 Towing a truck . . . using a guy wire?

 -disestablishmentarianism . . . ?

 A very good book

 Moss on Avenue J . . . 

 and some bricks, as well.

 Working at the Trail Services Building

 A snoozer and a watcher

Dirt for sale

Sunning on Sunday

A Cooper's Hawk on Barber Street this afternoon . . . 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Vehicle into fire hydrant on Route 441

Emergency personnel and water company employees responded to the scene of an accident along Route 441 where a vehicle had sheared off a fire hydrant this afternoon. It took over three hours for crews to clear the scene and attend to the damaged hydrant. The accident scene was near a residence across from Sam Logan's bait shop.  Fire police shut down Route 441 between Plane and Mill Streets.

 As seen from the intersection of Route 441 and Mill Street.

 This helpful fellow radioed Columbia Fire Police Captain Mike Rhodes at our request to see if we could access the scene, but the captain replied in the negative, because "There's nothing to see."

Oh, there's the captain now. 
Sorry, captain, but where there's a will . . . 

 Another shot from 441 and Mill.

The repaired/replaced hydrant, and safety cones.

Unfortunately, no one placed signage at the scene where abundant water remained on the road.
At the time this photo was taken, the temp was already down to 32 degrees.

Down by the river

Raising the roof (and your water bill) at the Columbia Water Company . . .