Friday, March 7, 2025

Restaurant Inspections - Columbia Borough - March 7, 2025


#homegoodies, 336 Locust St., Columbia, Feb. 27. Pass. Food facility is offering for sale chicken jerky made by Hippco, which is an unapproved source. Food facility is offering for sale foods prepared in an unapproved private home. Prepackaged yogurt parfaits are not labeled properly with the name of product, ingredient statement and distributed-by statement. Prepackaged yogurt parfaits are not labeled to clearly indicate any "Big 9" allergen ingredients and/or the allergen warning statement. Observed a rag stored on the hand-wash sink in the front service area, indicating uses other than hand-washing.

Bootleg Antiques, 135 Bridge St., Columbia, Feb. 27. Pass. Paper towel dispenser empty at the hand-wash sink in the food preparation area. Food facility using rodent bait placed in bait stations, which are not covered and tamper resistant.

Grand China, 156 Lancaster Ave., Columbia, Feb. 27. Pass. Raw clams observed stored above onions in the reach-in cooler.

Park Elementary School, 50 S. Sixth St., Columbia, Feb. 27. Pass. No violations.

My Shop, 353 Cherry St., Columbia, change of owner, Feb. 26. Pass. Plumbing system not maintained in good repair: observed water leaking at the drainpipe of the hand-wash sink in the food preparation area. Observed a box of "fryer saver" powder stored on the same shelf with mashed potato mix single-service cups.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

[LNP | LancasterOnline] Columbia, Mount Joy, Rapho and West Hempfield sue MESA over ambulance service bills

Four municipalities are taking the Municipal Emergency Services Authority of Lancaster County to court in an effort to get it to stop billing them when it provides emergency medical services to their residents.

Columbia and Mount Joy boroughs and Rapho and West Hempfield townships filed the action Thursday in Lancaster County Court.

The four municipalities do not contract with Elizabethtown-based MESA to provide EMS services, however under the concept of mutual aid, MESA responds when their EMS provider — Penn State Health Life Lion — is unavailable, and vice versa.

In their complaint, the four municipalities want a judge to tell MESA that it has no legal authority to bill them for services and that they do not have to pay bills that have been sent to them, which total $117,300.

Phone messages left Thursday for MESA’s manager, Wade Amick, were not immediately returned.

MESA essentially replaced Northwest EMS and began providing EMS service in February 2024. It was formed in an attempt to create a fiscally sustainable model for providing emergency medical services in the region Northwest formerly served.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

[LNP | LancasterOnline] The contents of the following storage rooms at U-Haul Moving and Storage of Columbia set to be sold at auction

The following storage rooms, at U-Haul Moving and Storage of Columbia located at 3975 Columbia Ave, Columbia PA 17512 have been set to have the entire contents of each room sold at a public auction on Auction will run from 3/21/2025 to 3/28/2025. All sales are final. Rooms must be emptied within 24 hours of sale. The following rooms will be sold:

1421 Jose Romero

1427 Phillip A Acosta

1416 Angelica Johnson

1621 Cameron Matthews

1820 Brandon Houser

1000 Demetriuos Dickerson

1631 Jeremy Craig 1931 GKenyea Johnson

Public Notice - published 03/05/2025

LNP Media Group, Inc. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Deeds Recorded - Columbia Borough - March 3, 2025

Sheriff of Lancaster County PA, Columbia Post No 153 Amvets Home Association conveyed property on a public road to Bank Northwest for $11,328.

Zook Rentals LLC conveyed property on North Third Street to River Edge Apartments LLC for $605,000.

Powers Shannon L. Jr, Powers Emilie conveyed 619 Plane St. to Emilie Powers for $124,000.

Millers Investment Properties Limited Liability Co. conveyed 612 Franklin St. to Rohrer Ashlyn, Smith Jenna for $291,500.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

About Town - March 2, 2025

 This week's photos of the Columbia 

Click on photos to see larger, sharper images. 

Police and firefighters responded to a house fire at South 3rd & Avenue J Saturday afternoon.

Earlier in the week (2/24/25), police and firefighters paid tribute to fallen officer Andrew Duarte as the motorcade passed through Columbia on Route 30.


Later in the week, officers were on duty on the first block of South 6th Street.


These skeletons on Manor Street remind us that St. Patrick's Day is coming soon. 

So too this one at Columbia Curiosities 

This woodpecker has been hanging around the area of North 5th & Chestnut. 


The Columbia logo has appeared on the column supporting the billboard on Route 30.

Here's a closer look.

Spiderman's in town. 

Good News Club



At the temple 

Left and right

Union Station is obviously open.

At work under the bridge 

Historic brick sidewalk 

Water company workers were working on Walnut Street this past week.

This hydrant appears to have been replaced.

This sign is tilting. 

The process of decay

Brick walkway at Mount Bethel 

There's leftover love on this hedge.

Within the hedge, this tiny creature lives.

Nutcrackers on Walnut 

Ribbons and bells

This really was the readout at pump #2 at Turkey Hill Experience. 

Tundra swans overhead 

The time-honored tradition of placing pennies on the tracks

Time for the wreaths to come down 

Biker gang