The Columbia Market House
The Columbia Market House, a Columbia centerpiece, may open by summer 2019 under a new proposal.
Council voted unanimously last week to approve the proposal by CHI St. Joseph Children's Health to take over operation of the building as an open-air market and restaurant, although the borough will still own the building.
CHI'S Philip Goropoulos
Major renovations to the building will be the responsibility of the borough, but CHI will be responsible for renovations for the restaurant. Revenues will be written to CHI, and lease agreements with vendors will come to CHI. CHI would absorb up to $65,000 of losses per year. If losses exceed $65,000 per year, CHI will meet with the borough and report that. “If everything goes badly, you’re still talking about $400-500,000 dollars coming into the borough from CHI,” said CHI'S Philip Goropoulos.
Columbia Spy reported on the CHI proposal
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