Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Columbia set to become first Lancaster County municipality to zone for medical marijuana businesses

Columbia is on track to become the first municipality in Lancaster County to zone for medical marijuana businesses since Pennsylvania legalized medical marijuana last year.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Highway department adds crossing lines at busy intersection

The Columbia Borough Highway Department painted two sets of crossing lines at the intersection of North 5th and Chestnut Streets today. One set spans Chestnut, from the clock plaza to the opposing sidewalk, running north and south. The other set runs east and west across North 5th. Previously, no crossing lines existed at the intersection.

Thanks Highway Department!

Wednesday movie night at the library

Monday, October 16, 2017

Columbia PD first to arrest at pipeline protest

Sergeant Jacobs of the Columbia Borough Police Department made the first arrest at today's pipeline protest just outside Columbia.

Note the protester's hand gesture as she is led away.

Singing protesters stood their ground Monday morning until police began arresting those who remained standing at a pipeline protest just outside Columbia. 23 protesters were arrested and charged with defiant trespass for attempting to block the path of an excavator on land owned by nuns at the Adorers of the Blood of Christ.

Applause and cheers greeted each person arrested. Construction workers watched the entire time and immediately began work after the last arrest.

Police from West Hempfield, Columbia Borough, Manor Township, and Southern Regional were among those present, as were federal marshals.

Protesters who were not arrested met at the nearby chapel to discuss their next action.

Within half an hour after the last arrest, the chain link construction fence was already partially erected.

In July of this year, a federal judge ruled that the Williams Partners can condemn the land. The pipeline project was subsequently given the green light to proceed.

Columbia Spy previously reported on the pipeline controversy HERE.

The continuing quest for the elusive Albatwitch

It all began - fittingly enough - on Albatwitch Day this past Saturday afternoon...

 Intrepid albatwitch hunter Walter Bosch made ready to hunt the elusive beast... albatwitch shirts sold out...

  ...and a cereal killer lurked.

 A sample of dessicated albatwitch meat was offered, the soporific effects of which rendered the camera woozy, thus eliciting this blurry shot.

 Bob Hammer hung out in style at his gallery...

...while John Morrow posed with his self portrait - but which is the self and which is the portrait?

 And then, the trolley materialized from out of the mist.

Driver Andre Underhill awaited the boarding of passengers...

...including the hunter himself, off to his next adventure. 

 The trolley's destination: Chickies Rock Park, site of hauntings and other paranormal events. There, tour guide Chris Vera regaled the crowd with lurid tales of albatwitchery.

With apples in tow, he described the creature's insatiable appetite for the delectable fruit.

 At his command, the crowd fired a volley of apples over the hill in an attempt to lure the mystical creature.

 Suddenly, the hunter spied the prey and drew his gun of finest pine...

...only to have the albatwitch galumph away in delirious laughter.
Foiled again!

Preschool Pals Mondays in October at the library

Sunday, October 15, 2017

A Work-in-Progress progresses

Artist Joanna Spicer was back at it again this weekend, adding brushstrokes to the mural-to-be at Locust Street Park. In two days, she knocked out the Marine Corps emblem and all but finished the Coast Guard logo. The Air Force emblem appears to be next, the rough draft of which can be seen pencilled-in in the upper right corner of the photo below.