Tuesday, March 7, 2017

“Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.”

“Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.”
That quote is attributed to Mark Twain but seems to be the lament of this seagull at Columbia River Park today. The weather continues to be fickle indeed, with temperatures expected to push 60 on Wednesday and Thursday - and then possible snow on Friday.

Call for entries for juried show at SCCA

The Susquehanna Center for the Creative Arts is hosting a juried show at 224 Locust Street, Columbia. First Prize is $500.

Liu, Jun-Chen, Professor of Art at Franklin and Marshall College has graciously accepted an invitation to serve as juror.

Liu, Jun-cheng 刘君成 was born in Dalian, northeast China. He holds a BMA in traditional Chinese painting, an MFA in the oil painting from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in China, and an MFA in painting from Texas A&M – Commerce. His work has been in personal and institutional collections and exhibited nationwide, and represented by Valley House Gallery in Dallas Texas. He taught at Middle Tennessee State University for three years before joined the faculty at Franklin and Marshall College in 1997. He is a professor of art, teaching drawing and painting, and Chinese ink painting and calligraphy.

Please see prospectus shown below. It can be filled in with the artist's information and mailed with payment to or emailed and payment mailed.

The information can also be downloaded HERE.

224 Locust Street
Columbia, PA 17512

Resident urges state lawmakers to reconsider cuts to health care program

Columbia resident Barry Ford, a dialysis patient, has sent a letter to state lawmakers urging them to reconsider cuts to the Pennsylvania Chronic Renal Disease Program, which he depends on. The letter is reprinted here with permission:

March 7, 2017

Governor Tom Wolf
Office of the Governor
508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA, 17120

Senator Ryan Aument
301 East Main Street
Lititz, PA, 17543

Representative Dave Hickernell
236 Locust Street
Columbia, PA, 17512


I have been on kidney dialysis since May of 2016 and was recently enrolled in the Pennsylvania Chronic Renal Disease Program, which assists patients like myself with the costs of my treatments and disease.

The CRDP helps pay for my medication, transportation such as public transportation, shared ride, non emergency ambulance, Medicare Part D premium coverage and the overall cost of my dialysis.

This week, I was informed that there are major and even drastic cuts to this program in the 2017-18 budget by Governor Tom Wolf. The current budget for the program is $7.9 million, with the proposed cuts of 85 percent, the new budget figure is $1.3 million.

This cannot happen for people like myself and thousands of others in Pennsylvania who have kidney issues and are on dialysis and looking forward to a future transplant.

We, I, need this program to remain healthy. Without it or any cuts in the program, I, we, may not be able to afford the cost of medication needed to fight this disease or the treatments needed and even a transplant.

It is critical that this vital program be retained and fully funded as I want to live a long time and fight this disease to the best of my ability. Without it, I will be unable to continue that fight or afford what lies ahead of me.

I appreciate your service to the residents of this great state and would hope this valuable program isn't cut and remains funded to the maximum. It is a very important program to not only people like myself but our families and friends as well.

Look forward to hearing from you about my concerns.

Barry Ford

Eastern Drillers to be the canvas for a mural depiction of Columbia

Artist Cesar Viveros presented a proposal for a large mural to be painted on the Eastern Drillers building along Front Street.

Plans for a large mural to be painted on a Columbia building were discussed at a public meeting held at the Columbia Crossing building on Tuesday, March 7. Janice Nikoloff, executive director of the Columbia Economic Development Corporation led the event.

Eastern Drillers, a company at Front and Walnut Streets, was chosen as a location for the mural because it faces the Susquehanna River and is highly visible to visitors accessing the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail. Representatives from the company attended the meeting.

Possible concepts for the mural were presented by Cesar Viveros, a Philadelphia artist. CEDC selected him as the lead artist for the mural project because of his extensive experience with large-scale murals, and his artistic presentation and style. Several local artists will also be helping to lead the community painting days and installation of the mural.

The mural will be painted through the "parachute cloth method"  (http://hiddencityphila.org/2012/06/how-to-paint-a-mural/) in which the painting will be done on a parachute-like cloth to be permanently installed to the wall after completion. This method creates a stronger and longer-lasting mural, but just like painting directly on the wall, the work cannot be removed once installed. The mural will be divided into grids (up to 100 for a mural this size) within which sections are traced and which members of the community are invited to paint. The grids will then be taken to the wall for installation.

Several people in attendance offered suggestions after viewing examples of what could be done. Incorporating Columbia's history into the mural seemed to resonate with most of them.

Nikoloff said the total project costs will be over $40,000. CEDC has set aside a portion of the funds and plans to raise the remaining funds through grants, individual donations, and corporate sponsorships. The organization will also be seeking donations of time, supplies and equipment. Nikoloff stated that all donations will be useful and welcome. She encouraged public input. Suggestions regarding the mural can be emailed to ColumbiaEDCorp@gmail.com.

The mural is expected to be completed by spring of 2018.

Here are two articles about artist Cesar Viveros and his work.



New listings: Lose or find a pet? Check in our updated gallery lancasteronline.com

Who's been peeking into your phone and watching you on your TV?

Today, Tuesday, March 7,  2017, WikiLeaks begins its new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named "Vault 7" by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency. Among the findings: CIA malware targets iPhones, Android phones, and smart TVs, as well as Windows, Mac OSX, Linux systems, and routers.