Thursday, September 15, 2016

FBI director: Cover up your webcam

"There's some sensible things you should be doing, and that's one of them," Director James Comey said during a conference at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Takeaways from Monday's Council Meeting

From Monday's Columbia Borough Council Meeting (Septmber 12, 2016):


The operations manager of Venues was present at the council meeting.

Mayor Lutz said the problem with this type of venue is there are "no rules and regulations."

It's a legislative issue and the borough may expand the three-strike ordinance to include commercial. Three legitimate complaints results in eviction.

He's had conversations with Sen. Aument, Rep. Hickernell, and the LCB.

A possible entertainment license could be enacted in which a nominal fee is paid for the license, and the business would have to meet specifications.

Some businesses in Columbia have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested and have to compete with rentals that have no liquor license (BYOB).

High school assault

Lutz touched briefly on the incident at the high school and mentioned the "junk sites" where people comment anonymously. He said he gives no credence to comments with no names. He said School Resource Officer Troy Engle can't be everywhere at once but responded to the incident quickly.

Market house advisory committee begins formation.

Interviews for Market House Advisory Committee:

Councilwoman Pam Williams made a motion (which was approved) changing part of the advertised configuration of the committee from two business owners and one borough resident to: one business owner and two borough residents.

Council interviewed four people to fill representative positions of businessperson, standholder, and residents.

Ron Worby

Ron Worby of Susquehanna Blue Smoke was appointed "standholder representative" to the Market House Advisory Committee effective immediately, ending December 31, 2017.

Diana Thomas

Diana Thomas was appointed "business representative" on the Market House Advisory Committee.

Jennifer Davis was nominated by Pam Williams, and after an awkward moment of silence, a "second" was made by Cle Berntheizel. The vote was four to three, and a roll call vote was taken: Weisser, Novak, Williams and Welsh - nay; Berntheizel, FitzGerald and Murphy - yea.

Kellan Kernisky

Kellan Kernisky, a former Market House Trust member (who has grant writing experience) was nominated by Pam Williams as "resident representative" on the Market House Advisory Committee, and before the sentence was complete, the motion was seconded by councilwoman Sherry Welsh. Kernisky is not a borough resident.

After the vote, Council President Kelly Murphy reported that one resident seat remains vacant. 


Happening today at the library

Shooting victim named

Tim Stallworth, of Columbia, said he was shot in his side while he was across the street from a fight in the 200 block of Locust Street.