Sunday, February 8, 2015

Enjoy watching the workers - you're paying for them

Construction workers were on the job at the Columbia Water Company today, Sunday.  I felt like it was costing me money just to watch them. And of course it was, since I and other water company customers are paying for the construction through the Pennvest surcharge recently added to our water bills to pay off the loan for the project.

The PUC held a hearing on the water company's proposed rate increase about a year and a half ago and ultimately denied the request, but the company sneaked through this de facto increase anyway.

Our only recourse right now is to file complaints with the PUC:  800-692-7380. The more customers who complain, the better the chance of the PUC acting on this.

More information on filing a complaint can obtained by clicking HERE.

Construction workers at the Columbia Water Company today . . .

Is this Donald's private skating pond?

Where's the Sunday News?

None of the vending dispensers around town contained any copies of the Sunday News this morning, as of about 10 a.m., although some contained last Thursday's paper. Stover's and the Minit Market on the highway had stacks of the Sunday News. So why not these street corner racks? 
(Phone calls to the circulation department yielded no answers, just recordings.)

What I saw recently

Some shots from around town over the past week . . .

 Another load of stone being delivered to Columbia Plaza last Tuesday for the renovation project.

Shortly thereafter, this Cooper's Hawk, possibly named Bradley, dined on a hapless mouse at River Park . . . 

 The bridge that everyone loves

 Under the bridge

 On the job

 Glutted with phone books no one wants

 On the lookout

 Throwing the ice back into the river where it belongs

 Fire two!

 Fixing a hole beside Burning Bridge Antiques
(Who's that guy in the middle?)

 Another view of the bridge - from the Wrightsville side

 A fire waiting to happen at 304 Union. 

 11: "Look, it's the pineapple things."
10: "Love the pineapple things."
11: "What ARE the pineapple things?"
10: "No idea."
(That's an in-joke only Whovians will understand.)

 Wall of stones at the Route 30 bypass construction site

 Reptilicus rubbericus

 Troweling on Sunday at Columbia Plaza
(Isn't that against the 26th Commandment or something?)

 Looking down on us

 A detective has been detected.

 Bird on ice

Checkin' it out

This huge army helicopter flew low along the Columbia side of the Susquehanna today (Sunday).
I wonder if the crew is practicing maneuvers for possible deployment to the Middle East.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Columbia grant from Pa. will help borough go green

A $102,015 grant from the state Department of Environmental Resources will be used to pay for curbside recycling bins for all residents, allowing the borough to collect more recyclables.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

More from the shooting scene

Alleged shooter Ashley R. Curry (far left) in the Columbia Plaza parking lot immediately after the shooting.

After waiting at the front of her vehicle, Curry retreated inside and locked the doors. In the photo above, she can be seen speaking to a witness while waiting for police to arrive.

Click on pics to see them larger. has the rest of the story.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Shooting at Columbia Plaza

Columbia Borough Police, guns drawn, arrived on the scene of a shooting in the Columbia Plaza parking lot today. A woman was shot in the abdomen allegedly by another woman at about 4:30 p.m. after an argument. West Hempfield and Manor Township departments also responded. Emergency personnel on the scene administered first aid to the victim who was then taken by ambulance.

Columbia will miss Locust Heights pool - Letter To The Editor

Farewell to Locust Heights Swimming Pool in Columbia. Because of all of the snow last year and damage to the pool, it was not able to be saved.