Monday, March 3, 2014

Car into house

A vehicle accident with entrapment occurred this afternoon when a car crashed into the front porch of a residence at 901 Park Avenue.  Emergency crews cut off the top of the car to free the three occupants, who were then taken by ambulance to Lancaster General Hospital.

Out-of-shape Columbia grandmother to try to hike 2,180-mile Appalachian Trail for charity

On March 20, the first day of spring, Brenda Petroski of Columbia plans to be on Georgia’s Springer Mountain and start putting one red hiking boot in front of the other on a course to Maine.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

What I Saw - March 2, 2014

 Someone recently wiped out this NO PARKING sign on the Barber Street side of the Columbia Plaza.
Note the tire marks under the signpost and the broken pole (left side of the photo). 

 Another view of the same.  It was only a matter of time before it got knocked over, as it had been leaning for several years, attached to its base by a single bolt.

 As this one is.

 Flocks of snow geese flew over this morning,
That means spring can't be far behind, despite the impending snow.

 Near 6th and 462: still not completely cleared, after all this time.
No worries, the coming snow will cover it up (thus making it even more dangerous).

 Another winter casualty (along 462)

 A flipped lid

 In the window of Trin's Beans - 
Let's hope everyone is all right.

 A wannabe watching two mergansers floating by - decked out - on their way to dinner

This part of the 200 block of Locust is a "minefield."
(So is the 100 block of Walnut on the right side, going towards River Park. Also, parts of 2nd Street are a dog poop disaster.  This morning, I saw a group of people letting their dog run and crap along 2nd, next to Avenue H, as they watched from the porch.)

Wrightsville Borough declares snow emergency ahead of winter storm

Wrightsville is being proactive.

Friday, February 28, 2014

From the Police Log

Amvets, 28 N. 2nd St., Columbia, for: improperly operating small games of chance; failing to maintain proceeds from games of chance in a bank account separate from other funds; selling alcoholic beverages to nonmembers; failing to maintain records confirming with the liquor code; possessing or operating gambling devices or paraphernalia or permitted gambling or lotteries, pool selling and or bookmaking on licensed premises.

Union Station Grill, 171-173 S. 4th St., Columbia, for loudspeaker operated in a noisy and/or disorderly manner.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Found on the Columbia Borough website

This excerpt is from the Columbia Borough website. All the codes officers need to do now is get out of the office and out of the truck and enforce the code.