Saturday, February 9, 2013

Columbian Coffee!

Just seen at BJ's Discount Club in York:  Fresh brewed Columbian coffee.
Columbian - not Colombian.
Have we finally arrived?

Reserved parking?

  A commenter to this blog recently complained HERE about a car that was constantly parked in the handicapped space in front of the municipal building.  Sure enough, this PT Cruiser was parked there every day I checked (Tuesday through Friday of this past week) during regular business hours. The vehicle displayed a handicapped notice in the front window, so the driver has every right to park there, and I guess that means every day, all day long.
The only other handicapped spaces I saw around the area were a few metered spaces in the parking lot behind the bus stop.

What I don't understand is why it's allowed to be parked there on Thursday (the day this photo was taken), when the sign says . . . 

This car does not appear to be a police vehicle, unless we now have a new unmarked police car.