Monday, December 4, 2023

Columbia Borough under investigation for possible Sunshine Act violations

When: Columbia Borough Council meeting, Nov. 28.

What happened: The Lancaster County District Attorney's Office is investigating Columbia Borough for violating the Sunshine Act, according to Mark Stivers, borough manager.

Quotable: "This is under investigation," Stivers said via phone Nov. 30 when asked about the matter. "I can't talk about it."

What happened: Joe Lintner, a borough blogger who publishes "Columbia Spy" and is council member Sharon Lintner's husband, said he reported three possible Sunshine Act violations because Columbia failed to post meeting agendas at least 24 hours in advance.

Details: Joe Lintner mentioned agendas for the Nov. 8 Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) meeting, the Nov. 21 Planning Commission meeting and a Nov. 29 Zoning Hearing Board meeting, which the borough canceled but did not post that the board would not meet.

Sunshine Act: This 1976 U.S. law requires that most elected bodies conduct business transparently, making decisions only after citizens have advance notice and have had time to comment. Failing to post a meeting agenda 24 hours in advance would be a violation.

Quotable: "I know people who were upset," Joe Lintner told council members. "A few months ago, council talked about increasing communication and transparency. You seem to be going in the opposite direction." 

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