Sunday, June 2, 2013

What I Saw Recently

Some recent sights from around town . . .

 The sign says KEEP OFF THE GRASS.  
Yes, keep off, because it needs to GROW some more.
(It's only about a foot high.)

 Still dangling.  Or should I say, dangling even more?

 Car with a lot of messages.
(I agree with the one about dissent.)

 Hose practice

 Trying to beat the recent heat wave

 Meanwhile, on Second Street . . .
This place is trashed.

Oh, I see - it's been condemned.  Both sides of it.

 But it's also for sale ???!!!

 Further down on Locust Street.  How many units in this building?
There's far too much of this sort of thing in town.

 Here's something good about the town.
Coming soon!

Saw this on the road today.  It speaks for itself.


Anonymous said...

Got to agree about the cruisin Columbia show coming up this is a great thing for Columbia and Barry and all else involved deserve alot of credit for this.

Anonymous said...

the car show is great!!!! thanks for the great pics too!
i do agree, we have WAY too many rental properties in the boro.....they need to do something about that. enforce ordinances on the books. we all nkow that the slumlords are NOT in order...shut em down

Joe Lintner said...


Joe Lintner said...
