Friday, May 17, 2013

Millersville graduates plan quiet protests during Corbett's commencement address

Some graduating students, alumni and others have been organizing demonstrations to make it known to Corbett that he is not their choice to be the one delivering inspirational words of wisdom to the Class of 2013.

Corbett was selected by a university administrator from a list of approved speakers identified by a commencement committee a couple years ago. But graduating seniors and the larger university community feel betrayed by that decision.

They do not associate Corbett with bringing good things to their school.

They blame him for the budget cutbacks that led to the elimination of the men's cross country and track and field program. They blame him for the reduced hours they can work at their campus jobs. They blame him for the cuts in state support that led to larger class sizes, lost jobs and high tuition.

So they are planning to protest the man they hold responsible.


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