Thursday, July 17, 2014

What I Saw - July 17, 2014

Apparently, the Northwest River Trail Services Building at Columbia River Park is now . . . 
open (?)

 With convenient second floor access

 A rooftop observation deck

 An area for open-air exercise

 A crawl space

 And a first-floor walking area

What better place for a romantic evening?


Anonymous said...

That has to be some OSHA safety violations.

Joe Lintner said...

I was wondering about that.

Anonymous said...

These people should be arrested for trespassing and what kind of example are they showing their kid ( oh yeah we can go where we want when we want no matter what.) Lack of RESPECT. and COMMON SENSE...

Joe Lintner said...

Exactly right - all of the above. I got the impression that the man in the last photo was affiliated with the construction project, but I'm not sure.

Anonymous said...

EVERYTHING in this town is "selectively" enforced.

Anonymous said...

Maybe instead of taking photographs, the photographer should have contacted the Police and advised that this was going on.

Anonymous said...

I'm betting that the man in the photo is a project manager or engineer that was permitted to be on site, but not sure that his friends and family are included in his right to be there.

Anonymous said...

It goes to show you it's who ya know, and what's the rest of that saying!!!

Joe Lintner said...

That's almost like blaming the messenger. The photographer's main duty is to take photographs. The evidence is there in case anyone wants to pursue this.

Joe Lintner said...

Yes, I've heard that saying.

Joe Lintner said...

I thought only workers and officials are allowed on a construction site. I also thought hard hats are mandatory.

Anonymous said...

If the Police are contacted when the offense is occurring, they can respond and identify the people on site as the offense is occurring instead of looking at photographs. If the photographer wants to be solely a photographer, that's fine. But, if the photographer wants something enforced, he should contact Police as the offense is occurring. Would your photographer's "main duty" description also apply if you were witnessing a robbery?

Anonymous said...

looks like an invasion of privacy on public property

Joe Lintner said...

I'm not an OSHA enforcement officer.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the photographer should be more concerned about real crimes instead of taking pictures of little girls in the woods...... that makes me feel more unsafe knowing a creeper could be hiding in the woods taking pictures of me. then a little girl walking on a flat roof

Joe Lintner said...

Oh please. Such drama.

Joe Lintner said...

If you're talking about a burglary in progress, of course I'd call the police, but whether I'd do it before or after taking the photo would depend on the circumstances.
Shutter speed is generally much faster than police response time, and a photo could provide clear evidence of a crime. So, yes, I would still consider the photographer's duty to be primary.

Joe Lintner said...

I didn't say a crime was being committed. If they were committing a crime. i.e., trespassing, it's the property owner's duty to report it, not mine.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I would be more concerned about the person thinking that it is somehow inappropriate to take a photo of a girl in public....that sounds like a phobia. From the photos I saw posted, she is not in the "woods".

Anonymous said...

If someone was monitoring the cameras in river park, they would have seen this so called "crime" taking place. Thanks Cole, for showing us what's going on over there when no one else is looking. I read the post again and saw no mention of a crime, just some very interesting and "telling" photos.

Anonymous said...

The place isn't even open yet and the site is in the hands of and under the management of the General Contractor. What happens on that site at this point in time is not Columbia's problem.

Anonymous said...

This girl is in no way being photographed inappropriately. Anyone thinking along those lines is seeing something in their own mind that they manufactured from their own creepy fantasy.

Anonymous said...

Isn't taking pictures of people and posting the pictures on a public web site without their permission a grey area ?

Joe Lintner said...

In a case such as this, no.

Joe Lintner said...

Although laws and other regulations still apply.

Anonymous said...

If they don't have permissions then that's trespassing. Do not pass go, don't collect $200, go to jail... :) Even if the the guys is part of the project doesn't mean you get full run of a active construction zone and if your in that zone you shouldn't they be following the safety SOP's like wearing a hard hat and properly foot attire while in the zone. If anything be more concerned about safety of that girl climbing ladder in flip-flops and being on the roof of the building walking around... That's how law suits happen...

Anonymous said...

It's a park, not a shopping center. What's the big deal. Let the family have their fun.

Anonymous said...

the remark about photos of the girl are not right. you ass. they are in no way inappropriate..your sick...cole thanks for all you do and for the awesome pics you provide!!!!!