Sunday, October 22, 2023

About Town - October 22, 2023

This week's photos of Columbia

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.) 

This is the interior of the Chief Uncas, a boat once owned by a beer tycoon and available for charter on the Susquehanna. More photos appear at the end of this post.
[Submitted photo]

Not a bad idea

Cloudy day

Clear day

Here's a new - and better - look for the bank behind the high school.

The project was part of the school district's capital improvement plan.

Frontier flying low over Columbia

Here's some info on the flight, obtained about 30 seconds later . . .


Lucky hunter, unlucky deer

Heavy cloud, no rain

Roof cat

Free wood down by the bridge


Tilden Township Police at Columbia Borough Hall

Another roof cat

More progress at the Wright's Ferry Mansion

Wooden roof tiles

Used flags

The level of citizen attendance at borough council meetings is disappointing.
Candidates Brad Chambers, Aimie Kellers, and Nate Roach attended this meeting to hear about the budget. Candidate Kelly Murphy did not, same as last time. 

The Bust Maker's Market was a success. These are photos of the setup on Saturday morning . . .


Cape Cods in Columbia

Crow(s) on a railing at the Lloyd Mifflin House. They're not real crows, of course. Real ones are shown farther down on this post.


Here are a few Halloweenish photos (in Columbia except where noted) . . .



This one looks hand-painted.


Here are some real crows, about to fight over a french fry.

Here's one atop the Elks.


Here are the rest of the Uncas photos . . .

'Til next time . . .