Tuesday, May 31, 2022

About Town - May 31, 2022

Recent photos of Columbia

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.) 

Because there's more to Columbia than just "the downtown."

Let's hope this isn't for watering weeds on the bridge.

Here's one for a quick sip en route.

Cannon at the Catholic War Vets dedicated to Toccara R. Green, believed to be Maryland’s first woman soldier killed in combat in Iraq.

Two benches recently appeared at the bridge plaza.

One is dedicated to Philip H. Glatfelter II.

The other one is on the north side.

In memory of Clyde W. Kraft, Francis C. Murray, and Larry D. Kraft.

Lots of balloons at Vero's on Locust.

In memory of

Ready for lick 'n' stick stones at Living Stones

Water company employees worked all day Monday to fix a water main break on Route 462.

The parking lot at Saint Peter Apartments is completed.

Some wildflowers have an inner beauty.

This is the aftermath of the May 1 fire that damaged 4 properties on the 500 block of Locust Street.

Here are two of the adjacent properties damaged in the fire.

So far, no cleanup has been done outside.

Debris (including glass) is scattered on the sidewalk.

The fire started in 521 Locust almost 3 years to the day of the first time it burned.
What a coincidence.

Well then fly high.

Military flags at Kraft Funeral home for Memorial Day.

Here's a neglected flag.

Sign down and upside down (almost)

The latest look at Majik Rent-to-Own

At the Columbia Plaza

The parking lot is private property, and violators will be prosecuted.

Sheetz's new sandwich promo - at the gas pump.

By the way, if you ever set the gas pump on fire, walk away and ask the attendant to use the emergency shut-off switch.

Mausoleum window at Holy Trinity Cemetery

Here's the door knocker.

At Manor Street School

At Park Elementary

Because there's more to Columbia than just "the downtown."

Black vulture having a drink on South 11th Street.

Bike for sale at the Columbia Plaza

Here's another one.
Someone even drew a rider.

High grass along Front Street

Quite a selection

Chick with an attitude

Down the chute

Lock him up!

UMP for America

And here are several photos from Todd Stahl: