Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Columbia council to shake up with 3 seats up for grabs

Four of seven Borough Council seats are up for grabs in Columbia, with three council members not seeking reelection.

On the Democratic side, school nurse Sharon Lintner, electrical contractor Howard Stevens, transportation director Michael Shomody and software analyst Heather Zink are all running to get on council for the first time.

Zink also is registered on the Republican ticket, along with HVAC technician James Settle, Johnson Controls manager Eric Kauffman and incumbent council member Kelly Murphy.

This election cycle has revolved around issues of taxation and transparency.

Lintner held meetings at her home that led to the creation of the grassroots group Columbia Concerned Citizens following a 21% tax hike in the borough.

Many residents said they believed the hike was caused by a revolving loan program started by the borough in March 2018. Council voted to repeal the loan program in June.


Job Fair at the Library - Wednesday, October 30

Learn about Elder Law at the Library - Wednesday, October 30