Sunday, May 19, 2019

About Town 5/19/19

This week's photos from around Columbia (along with some "Columbia Borough Election Commentary")

Junior Councilman Robert Misciagna got an award from the PA State Association of Boroughs at this week's Borough Council meeting. He's currently running for a seat on the Columbia School Board as a write-in candidate on the Democratic ticket in Tuesday's primary election. Write him in, but spell his last name accurately: Misciagna.  
We like Robert.

 The political signs are out in force. Here's one.

 Here's another one. Yay Sharon!

 This lady turned to stone awaiting a response from Borough Manager Rebecca Denlinger. Denlinger must have told her, "I'll get back to you."

 Still waiting

 There's that sign again!

 And here's that one again. The incumbents are up in arms about her running for office, because they're scared of her. So she must be doing something right! Go Sharon!
Vote for Sharon on Tuesday.
We like Sharon.

 Probably the incumbents's response to the question, "Will you stop your wasteful spending?"
We don't like the incumbents: Kelly Murphy and Cleon Berntheizel.
Don't vote for Kelly and Cleon.

 And on that note, it's time to take out the trash!

 Recently seen at Front and Bridge

 It basically notifies drivers to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in the crosswalk.

 Unfortunately, there's no crosswalk.

 Yep, that's broken glass, just off Bridge Street.

 The pregnancy center is moving to 462 Chestnut Street.

 Jimmy Jones of the highway crew weeded and cleaned up the clock plaza at 5th & Chestnut.

 We like Jimmy Jones.

 This thing will bow to you as you pass.
Some borough officials bow to businessmen as they pass.
We don't like borough officials.

 Two-wheeled skateboard. Is this a thing?

 Vulture watching over a soon-to-be bankrupt town.
But there's still time to save it!
Vote for the Candidates for Change: 
Sharon Lintner, Heather Zink, Howard Stevens, Tanya Minnick. 

 The "Elders" are in town.
(Some people will understand what that means.)

 Attention, Borough Officials: This is the Columbia Animal Hospital. It is located at 4081 Columbia Avenue in WEST HEMPFIELD TOWNSHIP.

 Attention, Borough Officials: This is the Columbia Animal Shelter.
It is located at 265 South 10th Street in COLUMBIA BOROUGH.
Learn the difference.

 We like the new sign.

 Speaking of signs, this appears to be a new one.

 And here's that ghost sign.

 Impression of Impressionism?

 Shadows of the past

 The side of Hotel Locust
Council recently wasted another $10,000 of taxpayers' funds for a study on this building and nearby areas.
Sounds like this study will be ignored, just like  the others.

 Never noticed those shingles before.


 Still no signs of life?

 He'll make an appearance when he needs your vote.
"We don't like Do-Nothing Dave."

 Boarded up - sort of

 Is it?



 Business ventures don't always work out.

 We just hate to see our town ruined by Council's poorly thought-out "ideas."
We like Columbia.

 Here's an unplanned renovation to a house's exterior.

An out-of-control vehicle at 430 Walnut Street reportedly hit the side of the house, causing exterior and interior damage.

 Church windows

 Coming soon

 Movin' on down the tracks

 More on the way

 About that pedestrian crosswalk sign: Looks like it got run over and pushed aside.
We hope no pedestrians get run over and pushed aside.

 On second thought, maybe she's waiting to hear some honesty from Council.
Don't hold your breath, Stone Lady!
We don't like Council (most of them, anyway).

 What are those signs at 421 Chestnut?


Fender guitar
We like Fender guitars.

 The Columbia Mini-Mart on the first block of North 4th

According to the lady in charge there, it'll be open by the end of the month.

 Down at the mural
We like the mural.

 Work continues there.

Artist Cesar Viveros and friend making sure it's getting done.
We like Cesar Viveros.