Saturday, March 8, 2014

Go in the back, Jack

A resident enters the back window of the borough office to have a little talk with Osborne.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Flying over Columbia

Helicopters like this one have been intermittently flying over town today, back and forth on their way to who-knows-where.  I wonder if these maneuvers are in response to the events in Ukraine and Crimea.

Beware the Ides of March

I'm calling BS on this story before it takes off:
"Right now, computer models are suggesting that some type of a storm accompanied by snow, sleet and rain will spread through the Ohio Valley, with a secondary storm taking shape somewhere along the Mid-Atlantic coast. The time frame for this potential winter storm would fall right around March 12-13.
"Hail Caesar!'"

Amish Mafia through the years: Here's why it's fake and always has been fake

Well, duh . . . Now they should do a story on the fakery of "Duck Dynasty."


Thursday, March 6, 2014

What I Saw - March 6, 2014

It was a good day for carrying things around near 2nd & Walnut . . . 

 including a giant stuffed pig . . . 

and a desk.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pizza robbery suspect arrested

From the police log:


COLUMBIA: A 17-year-old Columbia youth was charged with robbery and simple assault after he assaulted and robbed a Domino’s Pizza deliveryman of a $60 pizza order on Feb. 23 in the 400 block of Walnut Street, police said. The victim suffered injuries to his face and mouth. The suspect is in the Lancaster County Youth Intervention Center on unrelated charges.

Vehicle collision leads to arrest

A Ford Mustang collided with a Nissan this afternoon on Route 462, near Glatfelter's Field.  The driver of the Mustang was given a field sobriety test by Columbia Borough police and was subsequently arrested.  The occupants of the Nissan, two women and a girl, appeared to be unhurt, although medical personnel at the scene checked the girl's condition.

The Mustang collided with the front driver's side of the Nissan.

The driver of the Mustang being given a field sobriety test.