Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Way up high in the sky

 There's that confounded balloon again!
I keep seeing it around (or should I say "over") the town.
I'm pretty sure it's from AE Balloon Flights.

 Red-tailed hawk hanging out above the railroad tracks.

I saw several unusual planes flying over lately.  I wonder if they were heading to the Lititz Air Show this past weekend.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fourth Friday at Jonal Gallery/Alverta Arts Shop

This coming Friday is FOURTH FRIDAY ....
                              August 23, 2013                                     
        Jonal Gallery/Alverta Arts Shop
            653 Locust Street - Columbia, Pa. 17512
          717.681.9400                   ****                  jonalgallery.com
           ****    ****    ****    ****    ****    ****
     Join us at 5:00 p.m. for an Artist Reception with
                Digital Artist - SCOTT GORE
The Jonal Gallery/Alverta Arts Shop invites you to attend the "Wisdom of the Soul - Part II" Artist Reception with digital artist Scott Gore as he introduces, for the first time, in our Labyrinth Gallery his twelve canvas panels - "Twelve Tribes of Israel" - a spectacular grouping! This exciting group measures an impressive 114"X54" and serves as the center piece and anchor of the second half of his "journey with Kaballah" exhibit. If you saw the first half, you must return to see this group, if you haven't see this show, you must visit before it is to late! Exhibit continues through September 21, 2013.
This exhibit is FREE and open to the public. During this Friday's Artist Reception (5-9pm) light refreshments will be served. Come meet the artist and feel free to discuss Scott's works with him. The wisdom of Kaballah is not a belief or religion, it is a combination of science, faith and the wisdom of life. Come share your thoughts and experiences with the artist,  meet new friends and get reacquainted with old friends. A lively evening awaits!
Gallery/Arts Shop open: Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. with Receptions held Fourth Fridays of each month 5:00-9:00 p.m.
                                      See you at the Gallery, Dale and John
Thank you for being a Jonal Gallery/Alverta Arts Shop Email participant. We value our visitors and patron and want to show our appreciation with another exhibit period special available only to you....
                                          To redeem your special bonus, simply click on the coupon above and select "print".
                                                   Bring your bonus coupon with you and enjoy your special discount.

A look back at last Sunday's baptism

Last Sunday, August 11, congregants from the Faith Temple Church of God in Christ gathered at Columbia River Park for a mass baptism.  About 50 people were baptized at the ceremony.

At 3:15, the ceremony was about to begin, but the man on the left wanted to back his boat trailer down the ramp to load his jet ski.  Cool heads prevailed and he was permitted to do so, even though the event had been posted a day or two in advance, with notices clearly stating a start time of 3 o'clock.

Safety cones were removed as another boater decided he needed to use the boat ramp, too.

Soon, the faithful lined up along the ramp.

 Good will was abundant.

Congregants descended to the river.

 Many watched the proceedings as the ceremony began.

Others watched from the top of the ramp.

 Faith Temple Church of God in Christ

Children waited as the baptisms commenced.

 Baptismal candidates entered the water.

 The woman on the left had just been baptized.

 Nine-year-old Imari Emerson waited, as Reverend Darnell Bowman, left, and church elder, Ismael Garcia, prepared to baptize her.

 Waiting . . .



More scenes from the baptism . . .

And finally, the collection basket.

Videos of baptisms: