Sunday, November 10, 2024

[LNP | LancasterOnline] Columbia Borough will raise taxes for first time since 2018

When: Columbia Borough Council meeting, Nov. 7.

What happened: Council members agreed to raise property taxes by 1 mill in 2025 to help counter a proposed $1.5-million to $1.7-million budget deficit on an $8.81-million spending plan for the borough's general fund. The borough, which lacks a finance manager, does not yet have exact figures for a total budget of all its funds, Heather Zink, council president, said in a Nov. 8 phone call. n More: Council also scheduled an additional public meeting Nov. 20 to hear comments.

Caveat: Zink quoted the higher deficit figure during the meeting but said in the Nov. 8 phone call that the amount is closer to $1.5 million. The general fund has reserves to pay for the deficit, but doing so would deplete those funds, she added. She did not have a figure of how much money the borough has in the reserve fund.

Quotables: "For five years we've worked on cutting and cutting and cutting," Zink said during the meeting, referring to the budget. "Now we are bare bones." Said Eric Kauffman, vice chair, "We need to rip the Band-Aid off, and just do it (raise taxes)."

Extra meeting: Council members want to pass the budget at their Nov. 26 meeting and must advertise it at least 10 days before that, Zink said. Agreeing on a spending plan Nov. 20 would satisfy that requirement. A final budget must be passed by Dec. 31.

Numbers: The borough last raised property taxes in 2018, from 6.6 mills to 8 mills. One mill would raise $438,000 in revenue. An owner whose property is valued at $100,000 would pay $900 per year, up from $800 per year, Zink said Nov. 8. Council members briefly discussed raising property taxes by more than 1 mill but abandoned the idea.

More: Council still will ask department managers and police Chief Jack Brommer to study their budgets to see if any cuts can be made.

Why the shortfall: The borough expects to raise revenue through property taxes after it sells the former McGinness Airport project, now slated to become a technological park, Zink said. That money will go into the general fund. Delays in permits, however, mean Columbia must wait at least 18 months for these documents before the borough can install infrastructure necessary to sell parcels.

More: Columbia took $1.5 million from its capital fund in 2021 to purchase McGinness, and revenue from land sales will go back into that fund, Zink said Nov. 8, giving the borough money for capital repairs at Columbia Crossing River Trails Center and other areas.

Insurance & other costs: Prices have risen, Zink told council members. For instance, the borough's medical insurance premiums will increase by 19.6% in 2025, she said.
Background: Council members adopted a $17.17-million total budget for all its funds in 2024, up from $16.73 million for 2023.

What's next: Council will meet at 7 p.m. Nov. 12 and at 6 p.m. Nov. 20 at 308 Locust St. The meetings also will be available on the borough's YouTube channel the next day. 

Go to: to access the meeting. 

Restaurant Inspections - Columbia Borough - November 8, 2024

Park Elementary School, 50 S. Sixth St., Columbia, Oct. 31. Pass. No violations.

Taylor Middle School, 45 N. Ninth St., Columbia, Oct. 31. Pass. No violations.

Parma Pizza & Grill, 232 Locust St., Columbia, follow-up, Oct. 30. Pass. Food employee observed in the pizza preparation area not wearing beard covers. Observed dust and webbing on the exhaust pipe over the pizza preparation table. The ceiling in the back storage area is not finished, observed plastic draped in some areas due to ceiling leakage, and holes observed in the insulation sheets. Exposed insulation hanging from the open ceiling tiles in that food storage area in the back.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Deeds Recorded - Columbia Borough - November 4, 2024

Lorraine M. Dommel conveyed 35 S. Eighth St. to 35 S. Eighth LLC for $175,000.

Jared Hughes conveyed 1281 Staman Lane to Buller James Lee for $215,000.

Sheriff of Lancaster County PA, Columbia Post No 153 Amvets Home Association conveyed 401 S. Second St. to Bank Northwest for $71,000.

Sheriff of Lancaster County PA, Duke Abram O. III conveyed 741 Plane St. to Valley View Capital LLC for $114,000.

Sheriff of Lancaster County PA, Ort Kimberly A, Ort Leticia A. conveyed 1081 Cloverton Drive to Mtglq Investors LP for $186,320.

M&M Realty Co. conveyed 233 N. Second St. to Lucas Bray V for $142,500.

Cleon G. Berntheizel conveyed 22 S. Second St. to E. Impact Investments LLC for $405,000.

Nancy J. Ernst conveyed property on Malleable Road to Nancy J. Ernst for $1.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

About Town - November 3, 2024

 This week's photos of Columbia 

(Click on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

Here are a few more photos of the standoff and arrests during the incident on South 4th Street on Friday. See previous posts for details.


The recent fall weather has given us a few nice days like this . . .

. . . and a few evening skies like these.

The bridge inspectors were back yet again. 

They must be really concerned. 

The mural at Lancaster Distilleries continues to take shape.

A rider wearing a furry, horned helmet 

This is still there on South 4th.

Flags in the breeze

There's probably a story behind this.

A hawk surveying the premises

It's the Lynyrd Skynyrd van!

These guys abruptly showed up at Zion Hill Cemetery and just as abruptly left.

Half a logo . . . 

. . . is better than none. 

This biplane flew over this morning. It didn't display any numbers or insignia and didn't show up on radar.

Columbia Crossing needs repairs, possibly to the tune of $250,000.

A former councilman called the building "the gift that will keep on taking."
He was right.

More bridge inspectors 

They were on the Harcon boat.

Critters, live and fake, at the Lloyd Mifflin House 


Night lights


Details on three arrested in Columbia shooting on Friday

J'vian Mendez-Gonzalez (left) Isaiah Diaz (center) and Caelan Brown (right)

J'vian Mendez-Gonzalez, 18, of Lancaster, and Isaiah Diaz, 20, and Caelan Brown, 19, both of Columbia, are each charged with multiple felony counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and discharge of a firearm into an occupied structure.

Mendez-Gonzalez had been arrested in August on felony kidnapping charges. He was released after posting $75,000 bail on Aug. 26. He is scheduled to be arraigned on those charges on Nov. 22.

Mendez-Gonzalez, Diaz and Brown remain in Lancaster County prison after being unable to post bail. Mendez-Gonzalez had his bail set at $500,000, while bail for Diaz and Brown was set at $250,000. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Nov. 14.

[Source: LNP/LancasterOnline]