Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Columbia boys stay undefeated in comeback nonleague win as Crimson Tide senior Kerry Glover hits 1K

Both father and son Kerry Glovers - they have different middle names - agreed that Susquehanna Township (3-6) was the first team they've faced all season that could match the Tide in terms of running the floor. ST also sat in a 2-3 zone all night.

Still, Monday was a good test for an unbeaten Columbia bunch with high aspirations.

"I tell my guys all the time I'll take games like this over 25- or 30-point wins," coach Glover said. "You need to learn something. We got tougher. We got better."


Columbia Borough Council agrees to stop routine private meetings amid transparency complaints

Council members verbally agreed to eliminate controversial private information sessions before each of council's two monthly voting meetings.

More info: Members previously met for 30-minute sessions behind the closed doors of Borough Manager Mark Stivers's office, an agreement reached during the reorganization meeting in 2020. Previously, council met for 60-minute private sessions. Those meetings drew complaints about Sunshine Law violations. Council members may not discuss any voting matter or any subject that will be discussed at a public meeting.


Agenda - Columbia Borough Council Meeting - January 11, 2022


Download the meeting packet HERE.

Monday, January 10, 2022

This week at the Columbia Public Library



• When: Council meeting, Dec. 28.

• What happened: The borough seems to have misplaced $10,643 from 2020, according to results from that year’s financial audit. Neither the CPA firm that conducted the review nor the borough manager or council president suggested any wrongdoing had taken place.

• Quotable: “The likelihood that that money disappeared is slim to none,” council President Heather Zink said during the meeting. “It is most likely due to checks that were not completely entered.”

• Searching: “We looked for over a month,” said Michael L. Reiner, audit and tax partner with Sager, Swisher and Co., which conducted the audit. He said the way the discrepancy was entered financially showed that no one tried to hide missing money. In addition, another audit would cost more than the missing funds, he said. Borough Manager Mark Stivers also said he believes Columbia somehow spent those funds.

“It’s here,” he said about the money during a phone call after the meeting. “It would just take a whole lot of time to find.”

• Background: Kyle Watts, Columbia’s former finance manager, resigned in January 2021, following accountant Quetsy Perez-Yates’ departure that December. The borough then hired a temporary accountant and began training her to permanently take over finance manager duties with a consultant’s help.

The temporary accountant, however, quit in March.

Columbia filled the position in June.

• More info: The audit, delayed because of COVID-19 and staff turnover, originally uncovered $62,567 in unaccounted funds. Auditors then found a cashed check for $51,924 to a contractor that the borough mistakenly marked as voided. The contractor ultimately applied those funds to the next invoice, so the loss was offset.

• Getting certified: Council members voted to allow Stivers to apply to the state’s Historic Preservation Office for designation as a Certified Local Government. This move would allow Columbia to ask for more grant money and technical assistance to maintain historic preservation. To qualify, the borough needed a historic district and had to ensure that its Historic Architectural Review Board included a certified architect, someone in building inspections and a licensed real estate agent.

Quotable: “We’re taking our historic district to the next step,” he said during a phone call after the meeting. “We want to get people to invest in the district.”

• What’s next: Council will meet at 7 p.m. Jan. 11, and the meeting will be streamed on the borough’s Facebook page.

— Gayle Johnson, For LNP | LancasterOnline

Sunday, January 9, 2022

About Town - January 9, 2022

Recent photos of Columbia

 (Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

Sunset as seen through Tollbooth windows

Cleaning up for the journey

He's in the driver's seat.

One is not like the others.

Graffiti gallery

Maybe the lights can be salvaged.

New steps on Walnut Street

Sunset, complete with contrails

Friday morning

One is still not like the others.

Glatfelter gate

Shadows in the snow

Up on the sidewalk at Prospect Road Turkey Hill

Does that mean NO "NO TRESPASSING"?

Flags aflutter atop Bootleg Antiques

The COLA building

MEDEVAC flying over

White hats in Avenue H

Green hats on Rotary Avenue

Some folks don't shovel their sidewalks like they're supposed to.

That's at the post office, by the way.

There's a COVID testing center at 7th & Maple.

Animal transport

Lots of air traffic despite COVID

Heading off into the sunset

Sometimes even the contrails have shadows.

Winter snowflake

Another dazzling winter sunset

A sliver of the moon

Night flight

Soon to be a Majik appliance store at 921 Lancaster Avenue

Bestselling author Mitch Albom to speak on healthy communities at CHI St. Joseph Health event in Columbia; tickets now available

Albom will talk about his personal and professional experiences and his vision for a healthy community. The conversation will be followed by a book signing.

General admission tickets are $50 plus an online processing fee.

Tickets are also available for an optional VIP reception with Albom, starting at 5:30 p.m. at the renovated Columbia Market House, 15 S. Third St., Columbia. Food will be provided by Gypsy Kitchen. VIP tickets are $75 plus a processing fee.

