Thursday, June 17, 2021

Thursday the 17th in Scenic Columbia

Some photos from around Columbia . . . 

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

Corrective lenses to better see what's going on in town, and it's not all good.

It's enough to make one downright cantankerous.

But here are some happy folks.

They're at Park Elementary.

Something's in that window.

It's just someone watching.
Are we under surveillance?

3 "towers"

Draw your own conclusions.

7th Street still looks like a war zone, but the results will no doubt be spectacular.

This is what happens when you pull out onto 9th Street from Spruce with a long flatbed carrying a huge milling machine.

The rotating camera at 3rd & Locust was rotating this morning.

By the way, are we under surveillance?


The borough is cracking down on double parking, allegedly.

More activity under the bridge

Here's how you put the boat away at the end of the day . . .


And here's a doggo out for a ride . . .

Agenda - Columbia Borough School Board Meeting - June 17, 2021

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Wednesday the 16th in Scenic Columbia

Some photos from around Columbia . . . 

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

Shown above is one of three volunteers participating in the 13th Annual PA Hero Walk who walked down Chestnut Street today on their way to the Veterans Memorial Bridge and points beyond. 

Starting on Sunday, June 12, 2021, the PA Hero Walk team of all volunteers began their 13th Statewide Walk, beginning at the Philadelphia Art Museum and ending 14 days and 320 miles later northeast of Pittsburgh. (Source: PA Hero Walk website)


Road construction continues around town . . .

7th Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, was being milled this morning.

Crews were also working on the 700 and 800 blocks of Walnut Street.

Crews were also at work on the 800 block of Locust Street.

The street was then milled.

And finally - the 800 block of Locust, ready for paving

Another look at 7th Street

And a close-up


Bridge inspector giving a "thumbs up" down at the bridge

Fox 43 visited River Park this morning.

Here's where to get more information on Harcon machines.

This is a vehicle with a trailer, so it's legally parked in the middle of the River Park parking lot.

Are we under consideration for the title of WEED CITY USA?

A giant, mutant mayfly is currently in captivity under glass at Borough Hall.

Kelman & Swartz is about to open its door(s) at its new location at 305 Locust Street.
Columbia Spy previously reported on the business HERE.

Agenda - HARB Meeting - June 16, 2021


Download the meeting packet HERE.

Lancaster County's 16 superintendents, union presidents send letter to Martin opposing his school reform bill

The leaders of Lancaster County’s school districts and teachers unions last week sent a letter to state Sen. Scott Martin, voicing their opposition to Martin’s bill that would ease the expansion of charter schools in the state and give businesses the ability to steer more of their tax dollars directly to charters and other private schools.

The superintendents of all 16 school districts serving the county, along with the presidents of the districts’ respective teachers unions, signed the letter to “share our collective disappointment.” They faulted Martin for failing to include strict accountability measures for charter school operators, and blasted Martin’s proposed statewide commission that would have the power to approve new charter schools over the objections of local school districts.

Martin’s proposal, Senate Bill 1, passed the Senate education committee last week and is scheduled to be considered by the Senate on Wednesday. The state’s largest charter association, the Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools, supports the bill, as well as other conservative groups, but Gov. Tom Wolf has already vowed to veto it if it passes in its current form.