Sunday, December 22, 2019

About Town 12/22/19

This week's photos of Columbia

 Lost in reverie
(4th & Locust)

 Back to work

Another load of drywall

OK, that's good.

 Innovative way to recycle those Halloween pumpkins


 A horse is a horse, of course, of course - except when it's a hitching post

 Someone skipped class that day.

 Old and not-as-old

 The way across

 Falling water

 Patterns, complete with tributaries

 There they are - at the steps under the bridge

 Shop small

 Activity at 4th & Chestnut

 Here and gone

 Pipe in the ground, now apparently full of leaves and other debris

 Sticker shock

 Just off Manor

 Lovely meters

 Back in 30 min.

 At the former Poplar Street School

 PPL on Bridge Street

 Adding lines?

 Several trucks near Floyd's of Leadville

 More stuff at Floyd's

This means YOU, smoking smoker who was smoking there the other day.

 Messages at Saint Paul's Episcopal:

 Inside the market

 Folding up at Living Stones

 Workin' on the railroad

 All the live long day

 Over at Blueprints

 Ready for Christmas

For when you want to wrestle with pigs

 The hole is filled.

 Let's hope this isn't connected.

Sittin' pretty?

Many photos of ice at the river this week:

And last but not least...

 What fresh hell is this?

Some sort of makeshift shack in Avenue H?
[Submitted photos]

Columbia Borough Meetings - Week of December 23, 2019

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Elizabethtown Hires Rebecca Denlinger as New Borough Manager

Rebecca Denlinger
[Columbia Spy file photo]

The Elizabehtown Borough Council voted to hire Columbia Borough Manager Rebecca Secrist Denlinger as the new Elizabethtown Borough manager effective Jan. 23.
Denlinger is the successor to Roni Ryan, who has been Elizabethtown borough manager for 10 years and has worked for the borough almost 20 years. Ryan is taking a new job with The Benecon Group, an employee benefits management company in Lititz.
According to information she posted on the business networking website LinkedIn, Denlinger has worked for the borough of Columbia since January of 2018. 

Vecchia Sicilia gives $1,000 to help employees of Hurricane Pizza

Angelo and Claudia Campailla (left) of Vecchia Sicilia Pizza present a $1,000 check Thursday night to Chris and Beth Giffen of Hurricane Pizza.  The money will help employees of Hurricane who have been idled due to a recent fire there. The Campaillas donated a percentage of sales on Monday and Tuesday to raise the money.

Columbia Spy reported on the fundraising effort HERE.


The Columbia Borough Public Works Department will continue street sweeping through Tuesday, December 24, 2019. Beginning Wednesday, December 25, 2019 the street sweeper will cease operation until sometime during the first quarter of 2020 when the weather begins to improve. Notice will be given via the Borough's website, Crime Watch, and on Borough and Police social media accounts before the 2020 street sweeping schedule begins.

Sourced via CRIMEWATCH®: