This week's photos from around Columbia
(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)
Sunday morning river rescue rehearsal
There are more photos of this event later in this post.
On the other side
This starling just got hooked up to cable.
Digging up the 200 block of Locust
This is why we can't have nice things.
No! Not yet! Tis NOT the season.
Someone called the bug man.
If the problem is with ants, it could be due to unattended trash like this, a few doors up.
Or trash like this a few doors down.
(Hope the garbage doesn't seep downstream.)
By the way, the firehouse brewery project fell through.
Nothing to see here.
Or here.
Fence down!
Now the vermin can get in - or out?
Time for this to come down
Drying off
Feelin' snarky
Beginning of a trend?
The spray-painted address - high up - is similar to the format at 121 South 5th.
Meanwhile, inside the market house
Meter guys at work
Moving stuff into Eastern Drillers
Still more stuff
Door into the mural?
They ain't movin' for no one, not even for the lady pulling the cart.
Your daily warthog
What's that guy doing up there?
Maybe checking out this low flier
UGI was here.
Here's the "before" shot.
Down at the apartment building project on Bank Avenue
If we end up with another big hole in the ground, council should have to hold its meetings there.
More mattress madness?
Don't you just hate when your brake discs and saucepan spill out?
The codes vehicles are numbered now.
5 and 1
On the rise
This tree grate on Locust is now officially a tripping hazard.
So's this.
And this as well - on South 2nd.
Streetlights on in the daytime
No wonder the electric bill's so high.
Despite the new lines, truckers still have a hard time negotiating the turn at 5th & Chestnut.
Anyway, fall has fallen.
And the leaves have turned.
Some are quite beautiful.
Some are an obstruction, like this pile on Maple Street that forces walkers further out onto the road along which there's no sidewalk.
Here are more leaves on South 8th where the street is still being dug up.
The town has so many leaves, it took three vehicles and five guys to clean them up on Friday, as shown in this submitted photo.
Falling over
Out on Grinnell Avenue
Yep, it froze overnight.
The borough has known about the issue for quite some time.
Purportedly, there was a plan to fix the problem - which obviously did not come to fruition.
At least the animal shelter is coming together.
Veterans Day
Never Forget.
Back down at the river, these guys were practicing in the cold water Sunday morning, as the following photos show.
Red clouds
More warthogs - three this time. Usually they fly in pairs.
Here's a closer shot of two of the three shown above.
Signpost - no sign
Backyard sprinkler - for those unexpected grill fires
Ferals - How many is it this time?
Men at work - one in the hole.
And right here seems like an appropriate place to post this: