Sunday, April 1, 2018

About Town

Pics about town from the past week...


 and contrast.

 Walking the beat

 Another one bites the dust!

 There's another one of those rocks.
Probably placed there by a member of the Columbia PA Rockz Facebook group.
By the way, Columbia DOES rock.

 A peek inside the Market House.
There's a Keeley and a couple of signs.

 Two more Keeley stoves in the abandoned space.
The three stoves were recently taken off the borough's auction list.
They may have been manufactured at the Keeley Stove Company that was based in Columbia.

 At the apex of the inverted V

 Newly cleared
Compare and contrast with THIS PHOTO from last summer.

 So, even if guns don't kill people, window decals still misspell "misspell" and Hillary is still the boogie man under every right-winger's bed. 

 Race to the finish!
(Actually, the one on the right isn't being operated.)

 A "closer-up" view

 Riding the gravy train into the sunset

 Down at the bridge plaza...

 the ground is being prepared for the installation of brick sidewalks.

 The deadline to have engraved bricks installed for military personnel is April 15 (for the May 26 dedication). More information HERE.

 Traffic control cameras? Or two of the borough's "covert" cameras? An official has said the traffic lights here at 4th & Locust are on a timer. So, why the cameras?

 Columbia 2118?

 Mullen Books, near the bottom of Walnut

 Time to paint the poles

 And who among us hasn't hauled our Moosehead around on our Thule roof rack?

Speaking of moose heads

 Yes, don't litter. Don't pour out your used motor oil or your leftover Moosehead here.

 Insert a very large quarter into this outrageously oversized piggy bank.

Not a downspout but a spout down

 Yes emphysize it.

 Biker chicks?

 No, just some very nice Mennonite girls - and boys

They were looking for the trail, and as is often the case with out-of-town folks, they got confused due to the lack of proper signage.

 Fortunately, Columbia Spy was there to direct them on their way.

 Afterwards, a giant cow sped by.
Just another day in Columbia.

 There's a noncomformist in every crowd. Let's hope so anyway.

 Yep, more of the same

 Pretty pretty

 Waiting for something to die

 Why do Hempfield buses park in our high school parking lot?


 Speaking of school district vehicles...

Here's one parked in a curious place.
(Note the sign.)

 What is that thing up there anyway? Even the sparrow seems to want to know.

 It's atop the old Poplar Street School.

 Cut-rate basketball hoop

 Little red wagon painted green

 Documents...not shredded

 Get the shovels out. Mother Nature's been a...

The claw descends.

Any day, it will take down this mobile home...

 and the houses behind to make way for the construction of an apartment building. More information on the project can be found HERE.

 For free. No, not the building - the table.

 The mayflies are early this year.

 Hinkle's - on its way back.

 Follow that trailer!

 Bring that, too!

 Eagles in some sort of mating ritual

 Too far and too fast for the camera

 They chased each other for a few minutes...

 and flew into the distance.

 The parking lot-to-be at Walnut & Commerce is shaping up nicely.

 Springsteen fan

Education FAIL