Monday, October 30, 2017

About Town

Recent pics about town...

 The trolley made an appearance on the day of the Halloween parade.

 Here's a hawk looking down on us humans.

 State police were present along Route 462 at the pipeline site last Friday.

 Mission accomplished, out of here

 Mark Clatterbuck, founder of Lancaster Against Pipelines, at the chapel next to the pipeline site

 At the chapel

 A cause

 And another

 What type of bird is this?

 Weather vane to tell which way the wind blows at borough hall

 Wrong way parking.
Oh well, it's Columbia.

 Slab for vendors under Columbia Crossing

 Cormorant on the Susquehanna.
Another example of our plentiful wildlife.

 Free hot dogs and fries at United Methodist Church.
The church offered the free goodies every Saturday in October.

 There's the sign.

 Ernie StrongBear was at the Columbia Market House last Saturday.

He performed several Native American dances, wearing full regalia representing his culture.

Ernie StrongBear is from the Cherokee Native American Tribe. We're told he was present at a protest a few months ago to protect Native American burial grounds from the advancing pipeline project. 

 And here's the infamous pipeline snaking across a field belonging to the Adorers of the Blood of Christ that was taken by Williams Partners through court-sanctioned land theft (that is, a corruption of the concept of eminent domain).

 This is a field between Route 462 and Route 30 where the pipeline will continue.

 Here's another view of the pipeline.

 A billboard near on North Third street, near Burger King

 Meanwhile, at Columbia River Park - what's up?

 Deer meat?

 Will this mural disappear in 2018?
The backstory is HERE.

 Still there on the 200 block of Walnut, as it has been for many weeks

Part of the old Columbia

Sweets for the Mind at the library

Sunday, October 29, 2017

It's beginning to look a lot like Halloween

It's beginning to look a lot like Halloween around Columbia, what with all the skeletons and ghouls on display - some with a tilt toward dadaism and surrealism...

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Walnut Street sidewalk gets a second helping of trash

Residents on the 200 block of Walnut Street were "treated" to another helping of trash this weekend. A similar pile of trash was deposited last weekend as we reported HERE and was picked up sometime during the middle of the week. 

The photos shown below were taken this morning (Saturday, October 28), but the trash was there since at least yesterday. The pile includes miscellaneous furniture, bags of trash not in appropriate containers - and a storm door with a full pane of glass! The door takes up more than half the sidewalk and is a tripping hazard.

Church in Historic District upgrades to LED sign despite permission being denied

A large LED sign was recently installed behind a wooden sign at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on the 300 block of Locust Street, which is in the Columbia Borough Historic District.

A sticker on the side of the sign's casing displays the manufacturer's name and contact information.

This STOP WORK sign, possibly related to the LED sign installation,  was posted on one of the entrance doors to the church.

According to an LNP article dated July 25, 2016, Columbia Borough Council denied the church permission to install an LED sign:
Council denied a proposed LED-lighted sign at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 340 Locust St. Glenn Shaeffer, Historic Architectural Review Board chairman, asked that council create an amendment not allowing this type of sign in the future.

“There are no other signs like this in the historic district and allowing it would open the door for others and have an impact on the historic nature of the district,” Shaeffer said. “The historic district should not look like the Las Vegas strip.”

Council members Kelly Murphy and Cle Berntheizel removed themselves from the vote because they are members of the church.

This sturdy metal frame was installed some time before October 2, 2017, when this photo was taken.

HERE is a video showing the manufacture and operation of various LED signs from ADvantageLED Signs.