Sunday, September 24, 2017

About Town

Recent pics from about town...

 Sign down!

 Man down!

 Here we go again.


 Some sort of flag statement?

 Speaking of flags, would anyone salute this abomination?

Chauffeur-driven dogmobile


 This old farmhouse at Cloverton Drive and Kinderhook Road...

 ...has been condemned.

 Signs have been taped to the property...

 ...stating that it's an unlawful structure.



 Heritage Drive has been paved.

 A view from the Union Street end.


 House of Cutz has left the building.

 Newly laid memorial walk at Mount Bethel

 Golden cross at Mount Bethel
Does Indiana Jones know?

 Outta here

 Bug-encrusted old-timey lamp fixture at the Lancaster General Hospital Susquehanna Division - site of the former Columbia Hospital.

 Another one

 Black cat with green eyes on Purples Lane

 Creative use of a skid

 The former mattress store building at Front & Bridge is for sale.

 Like the sign says

 Just one problem - No roof!


 Off to the trail!

 Heron unintimidated by boaters

 A victim of the lug "nut" who's been loosening lugs around town?

 Pressure washing at 4th & Locust

 Trouble right here in River City?
"We've surely got trouble!
Right here in River City,
Right here!
Gotta figger out a way
To keep the young ones moral after school!
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble..."
- "Ya got Trouble" from The Music Man

 Showing off?
Vultures do this to dry and warm their wings and to get rid of bugs and bacteria.

 That's a lot of stick figures.

United Arab Emirates in our airspace.
What could possibly go wrong?

 Long distance shot of a hot-air balloon dangling...a fish?

 Some folks take two parking spaces.
Fortunately, it was a Sunday.
Unfortunately, there were only a few spaces available.

 New sign?


 Cleaning up items at the former Prudhomme's

 Pressure washing


 Formerly Prudhomme's. Before that, the Rising Sun Hotel.


 Columbia loves JLG lifts.
Keep an eye on that tanker truck on the far right, going up Locust.

 There it is, on its way up 441. Instead of using the Route 441 bypass, it wound its way through town via the usual route - right onto Locust, left onto Third - crowding the intersection in the process and rattling homes along the way. 

 At the church/business/...residence? at 6th & Chestnut


In St. Pete's parking lot... 
(submitted photos)

Friday, September 22, 2017

Gramm, Kenneth Wayne Jr. - Home Improvement Fraud (F2) | Columbia Borough Police Department

A new speed limit sign? Well yes...and no...and yes

What appears to be a newly placed speed limit sign near the intersection of 2nd & Chestnut is really only a sign for sale at Tollbooth Antiques. We're told the cost of the solar-powered unit is $200.

However, Columbia Borough Council recently approved a nearly $16,000 purchase of traffic control equipment similar to what is shown below.

The equipment will be used in traffic control and traffic studies in the borough. Here are the invoices for the two units:

The equipment purchase was discussed at the July 19, 2017 Safety Committee meeting. The relevant minutes are shown here:

Speed/Alert (Radar) Message Boards.

At the June 14, 2017 PSC meeting Chief Brommer noted that he had just secured two quotes for committee review, to support and forward to the proper committee (Finance) to consider the purchase of two units to help with traffic control and necessary current and upcoming traffic studies for the borough. Chair Novak noted that he would secure the emailed quotes and forward to the PSC review for discussion at the July 12, 2017 PSC meeting. It was noted that the two Borough owned devises were antiquated and that the battery packs were non-functional.

During the discussion of the PSC meeting on July 12, Chief Brommer noted that the existing” Boards” do not have the capabilities that the quoted units do because of the advanced technology in today’s units. Chief Brommer also noted that he had received an estimate for repair of the battery packs on the Borough’s existing units. Estimated repair was approx. $500.00 ($250.00 per unit). Chief Brommer also noted that the new technology has the capability to provide more and quicker data for improved traffic controls and improved traffic study data.

Citizen Doutrich questioned if the new units were capable of registering and displaying vehicle speed. Chief Brommer noted that the new unit had that capability, and so much more, enhanced with “blue-tooth”.

The two units in discussion were available through “All Traffic Solutions Inc.”:

Unit one – Speed/Alert 18 Radar Message Sign, Base Unit w/ mounting bracket, power kit and accessories - $5,868 Quote # Q-28418.

Unit two - Speed/Alert 18 RMS base unit w/ mounting bracket, Trailer and required accessories - $9,918.

Quote # q-28419

It was noted that the benefit to the Borough would justify the cost.

The purchase was subsequently approved by council at its August 14 meeting.

The eagle has landed

The mural at Locust Street Park appears to be finished. Compare with the original concept drawing below. The mural was designed and painted by artist Joanna Spicer.
More info HERE.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

PUC schedules Sept. 27 hearings on Columbia Water Co. rate increase request

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission has scheduled two Sept. 27, 2017 hearings for public input on Columbia Water Company's request to raise rates.

The company serves approximately 10,223 customers across seven Lancaster County municipalities — West Hempfield, Rapho, East Donegal and Manor townships and Columbia, Mountville and Marietta boroughs — as well as Hellam Township in York County.

The requested increase would raise average annual bills for residential customers who have meters from $299.48 to $452.04 in the Columbia Division and $318.48 to $452.04 in the Marietta Division, according to the commission.

The meetings will be held at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Sept. 27 in Marietta Borough Hall, 111 East Market St., Marietta.

The commission encourages people to write out they are going to say beforehand and, if they would like to submit a written statement, to bring enough copies to give two to the court reporter and one to several other participants.

More information on the rate making process is available on the commission's website,

10 of Lancaster County's juvenile lifers scheduled to be resentenced by Dec. 19

Gregory Sourbeer has spent more time behind bars than any other local juvenile lifer. He was 14 when he shot his mother in Columbia in 1976.

He's now an inmate at a state prison in Montgomery County.