Monday, May 8, 2017

Turkey Hill files for two liquor licenses

Two Turkey Hill Minit Markets with Columbia addresses have filed with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board to sell alcoholic beverages. Liquor licenses from Brucekie's Pub, 401 South Second Street, and the Bella Vista Bar & Grill, 4220 Fairview Road, have been requested to be transferred to the Linden Street store (#305) and the Prospect Road store (#231), respectively. Both licenses expire February 28, 2018, according to the PLCB website. The stores are currently not licensed to sell alcoholic beverages.

Prom Promise event shows dangers of distracted driving

A "Prom Promise" event was held in the west parking lot of Columbia High School this morning. The mock scenario was designed to discourage students from driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, as well as texting.

The fire department, EMS, and police demonstrated their response to a vehicle accident. School Resource Officer Troy Engle addressed the students who stood quietly absorbing the scene.

Student actors from the Columbia High School Drama Club enacted a realistic scene, with some covered in blood. One was partially ejected through the windshield and was lying motionless.

Another student, wearing a bloodstained prom gown, was given a field sobriety test and led away in handcuffs.

Firefighters worked to extricate a student from the car by removing the roof and windshield.

A particularly sobering moment came when the coroner's​ van rolled up and the partially ejected victim was placed in that van.

The mayor and several borough council members witnessed the enactment.

Thanks to all those that participated in today's drill.

Library Happenings Monday, May 8

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Draft Agenda Borough Council Meeting May 8, 2017


About Town

Recent pics . . .

 Crimson and Gold in bloom

Hey, that light cover is back.

 Well, it's not exactly the same one.  This one was fabricated out of galvanized aluminum. It's a replacement for the one that went missing a few years ago. The old one matched the building.

 More work on those self-storage units along 441, ya dig?

 Steel storm sewer cover that looks like it was made in metal shop. Does this makeshift-looking thing pass muster? Why is it the only one in town that looks like this? It's on the "forgotten" block of Union Street.

Red-eyed pigeon from Hell?

 Saturday morning bridge inspection

 This area of River Park was recently cleared in preparation for the park's Phase III.


 Don't ever park like this.

 Wait - what?!

 Four feet above normal today

New plaque at Columbia Crossing

 History lesson

 Bufflehead at River Park

 Testing the waters

 Paparazzi spotted!

The end!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Juried Show extended to Friday, May 5

SCCA's Juried Show has been extended to Friday, May 5. Three entries for $35.

First Prize - $500
Second - $250
Third - $100
Honorable Mentions - $50

Juror: Liu Jun-Cheng, Professor of Art, Franklin and Marshall College.


224 Locust Street
Columbia, PA 17512 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Today is World Press Freedom Day, but here's what Senator Scott Wagner did yesterday

On yesterday's "About Town" post, we cited a quote by State Senator Scott Wagner that demonstrated his ignorance of science. We said the quote tells you all you need to know about Senator Wagner.

We were wrong. 

There's more you should know about the senator. 

Yesterday, he disrupted his own speech, stole a videographer's camera and apparently assaulted him. Fortunately, the videographer continued filming with a cellphone. 

The two videos plus the rest of the story can be found here: