Saturday, February 18, 2017

Columbia Police to get new Tahoe

Columbia Police will be getting a new Chevy Tahoe similar to the one pictured here.

The Columbia Police Department will be getting a new vehicle thanks to Columbia Borough Council. Council voted unanimously at last Monday’s meeting to purchase a commercial four-wheel drive, four-door 2017 Chevy Tahoe from Whitmoyer Auto Group in Mount Joy. The cost of the vehicle is $37,200 with additional charges of $13,114 to K&C Communications of Harrisburg for parts, labor, and equipment upfitting. The price includes a discount of $9,989 from COSTARS, Pennsylvania's cooperative purchasing program. “The purchase was a 2017 capital budget approved funded item, according to Council President Kelly Murphy.

The existing police department Tahoe will be reassigned to the Public Works Department for Director Ron Miller to use. The current Public Works Tahoe is “on its last legs,” according to Borough Manager Greg Sahd.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Columbia man awaiting trial on October shots fired incident threatens to shoot 2 people, police say

A Columbia man awaiting trial on charges of shooting into two Lancaster City homes in October is now accused of threatening to shoot two people last week.

Thousands fail to pay Columbia head tax

According to a 2016 Delinquent Per Capita Tax report provided by the Columbia Borough School District, 2,169 accounts remain unpaid - for a total of $35,788.50.

The 2016 Columbia Delinquent Per Capita Tax Report can be found HERE.

New therapist at Columbia Life Network on Wednesdays

Marquas Fountain, a new therapist from Pressley Ridge, will be providing counseling services at Columbia Life Network on Wednesdays. CLN is located at 336 Locust Street, Columbia. See above for further information.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

New Early Childhood Program at Columbia Crossing

Beginning in March, Susquehanna Heritage will introduce its monthly early childhood program, Tadpole Time, at Columbia Crossing River Trail Center. Tadpole Time will feature monthly themes that explore the natural world along the river, with a nature-themed story, songs, and activities that will encourage your child's curiosity about the world around them.

The program will take place on the second Wednesday of the month, beginning March 8, 10-11 a.m. Tadpole Time is for children ages 2-5 with their caretakers. The cost is $4 per child, and registration is suggested. Register by calling 717-449-5607, e-mailing, or pay at the door.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Susquehanna Glass to open retail shop in Columbia

Sometime in April, Susquehanna Glass, which has a Columbia factory where it does custom glass etching for wholesale customers, plans to open a small retail shop in town.

Columbia launches home improvement & purchasing assistance program

Columbia Borough has announced a new home improvement and home purchasing assistance program, in partnership with the Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership (LHOP) (the main partner) and Lancaster County Housing and Redevelopment Authorities. The program aims to improve the quality of housing stock and living conditions in the borough and to encourage home ownership and revitalize the North Third Street corridor.

At Monday's Borough council meeting, Borough Consultant Rebecca Denlinger said officials from the borough (elected and staff) were also involved with the project, including the Columbia Revitalization Commission, an internal staff group, which will help oversee the program. Columbia Life Network is also a critical partner in the program, according to Denlinger. The Columbia Housing Steering Committee helped to "get the ball rolling,"she said.

Mayor Leo Lutz said the North Third Street corridor was chosen due to deterioration from vibration from heavy trucks traveling through the area. “This area was picked by the housing steering committee," he said.

Fern Dannis, LHOP's chief operating/lending officer

Fern Dannis, LHOP's chief operating/lending officer, said the initial area also includes Second Street and Cedar Street - with a couple of small streets in between - and Walnut Street. She said the program is for single-family primary residences. Accessory buildings such as garages and sheds do not qualify. Dannis added that it is aimed primarily at repairs for code compliance. The interest rate is 1.5% with a seven-year repayment term that includes incentives for paying early and on time.

Borough Manager Greg Sahd emphasized the interest rate, which he termed as attractive. "Prime interest rate is 3.75%. That's the rate that banks lend to their best, highest credit-worthy customers. This is less than half of that," he said.

The undertaking, which partners LHOP with a specific municipality for loans is a first of its kind. The Lancaster County Community Foundation provided grant funding for the project, aimed at building or rehabilitating decent, affordable housing within the borough.

In a press release issued by the borough, Council President Kelly Murphy said, “We know we have a great community in Columbia. With this program, we want to enable homebuyers and homeowners to invest in their residences. This will have a ripple effect within the area – sprucing up a well-traveled corridor at the entry to our city, spurring neighbors and business owners to update their properties and building pride throughout Columbia.”

During the first year, which begins March 1, the borough and LHOP will each provide $150,000 in funding. $200,000 will be designated for home rehabilitation improvements and the other $100,000 directly for home purchasing costs.

Home Improvement Loans ranging from $500 to $15,000 will be available through an application process for single-family homes either currently occupied as a primary residence or that will be inhabited as a primary residence once renovations are completed. Following LHOP’s existing First Time Homebuyers Program, Homeownership Loans up to $10,000 will be available via an application process for first-time homebuyers who have not owned a home within the last three years. For both programs, eligibility is income specific, based on area median income as determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Ray D’Agostino, LHOP's executive director

“LHOP is excited to partner with Columbia Borough to offer a program enhancing housing conditions and increasing home ownership opportunities,” said Ray D’Agostino, executive director of the nonprofit, in a press release. “In a real sense, the program will improve living conditions and make home ownership more attainable and affordable in Columbia. LHOP and Columbia are grateful to the Lancaster County Community Foundation for seed funding LHOP’s housing improvement initiative, which has made this collaboration possible."

Since 2014, LHOP has worked with eight homebuyers in Columbia to achieve home ownership, three of which are still in the works. With this new program, additional residents will be able to overcome obstacles to purchasing their own houses.

Columbia will be considering applications for houses in the 200-500 blocks of North Third Street and the surrounding neighborhood, including North Second. Renovations can be for the main home, but not for sheds or garages, and can include exterior façade updates or internal improvements. Staff will be available at the Columbia Life Network, 336 Locust Street, twice a month to answer questions and help prepare applications.

LHOP is a nonprofit organization, certified as a U.S. Treasury Department-approved Community Development Financial Institution, able to underwrite and administer loans. Part of the program’s coordination will be through the Lancaster Housing and Redevelopment Authorities, to tap the federally funded Home Repair Program.

The initiative’s partners intend to create a revolving fund process, wherein repayment of the borrowed funds will be used to institute new housing improvement and home ownership opportunities within the borough.