Saturday, August 1, 2015

The state of the bypass - and a likely delay

These photos of the Route 441 bypass project were taken this morning.  Although construction work continues there, completion of the project might be pushed into next year, according to Mayor Leo Lutz. 

"Completion of the relocation project will be pushed back, probably into next year," Lutz said at a recent borough council meeting. "The problem is there are so many bridges being rehabilitated and redone in the state that they're having trouble getting materials." The local portion of the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail might still be finished by the end of this year, Lutz added.

Osprey dines on fish dinner but has an uninvited guest

An osprey kept getting interrupted by a crow as he was trying to eat a freshly caught fish down at the railroad tracks near Columbia River Park this morning. Although the crow was persistent, the osprey kept the partially filleted fish firmly grasped in its massive talons, as it flew from post to post to elude the interloper.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Coming soon - Advanced Auto Parts

Advanced Auto Parts will be moving into the space about to be vacated by Columbia Family Restaurant at the Columbia Plaza. 

It's baaack!

Or at least it was, until borough workers returned it to its rightful place. As was the case yesterday morning, someone had moved this picnic table onto a dock at Columbia River Park this morning.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

This Friday's blue moon won't be blue at all

The trash goes into the cans, not next to them

An observant visitor to Columbia River Park submitted this photo of a bag of trash that was deposited next to the trash cans there. Trash is to be deposited into the cans, not next to them. Even so, this location is not a drop-off for one's household trash.