A good way to get a closer view of the river - or roll into it.
Some guys putting something into the ground near Columbia Kettle Works . . .
Enjoy the new door at the water company office - you bought it.
Has the breast cancer awareness campaign gone too far?
666-TREE: The root of evil?
A murder of crows feasting on sumac buds . . .
Something didn't agree with this one near Ninth and Locust.
Trainspotters . . .
There have been a number of oil train derailments this year:
Deer entrails?
This is still there on a borough road.
About a year ago there was a rib cage in the same spot.
Is this evidence of poaching?
Look at those prices. No wonder Tom's went out of business.
Last fan standing?
Obligatory bridge shot with snow on the river
Bradley the Cooper's Hawk at River Park