Sunday, March 9, 2014

What I Saw - March 9, 2014

 Snow on the field

 On Barber Street, a guy wire (far right) has somehow broken free from its anchor rod and is dangling.  Already, the utility pole it's connected to is beginning to lean.

I'm pretty sure the perpetrators live down the street at a converted laundromat.  They stand on the porch and watch as their dog craps on properties along the street.

 Being a music aficionado, I was tempted to take these, as I'm sure they're worth a few bucks, but I didn't want to get into the middle of what might be an alleyway divorce.  And not being a member of the Geritol generation, I couldn't bear the thought of having to turn on the bubble machine as Perry Como croons me to sleep.  Besides, I don't have a bubble machine.

 Three walking . .  and one riding?

It's right around the corner.  Literally.  It's on Cherry Street, right around the corner from Fifth.

More flyovers today

What I Saw - March 8, 2014

 Evidence of a hard winter

Evidence of a Codes Department

Who needs Middle Creek?

These snow geese were spotted along Charlestown Road last Wednesday.

Columbia & Reading Railway sees new growth in upgrading old railcars

Brenden Friedenfeld appreciates Columbia’s robust past as a railroad town.

He wants it to have a robust future as a railroad town too.


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Go in the back, Jack

A resident enters the back window of the borough office to have a little talk with Osborne.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Flying over Columbia

Helicopters like this one have been intermittently flying over town today, back and forth on their way to who-knows-where.  I wonder if these maneuvers are in response to the events in Ukraine and Crimea.