Saturday, March 8, 2014

Go in the back, Jack

A resident enters the back window of the borough office to have a little talk with Osborne.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Flying over Columbia

Helicopters like this one have been intermittently flying over town today, back and forth on their way to who-knows-where.  I wonder if these maneuvers are in response to the events in Ukraine and Crimea.

Beware the Ides of March

I'm calling BS on this story before it takes off:
"Right now, computer models are suggesting that some type of a storm accompanied by snow, sleet and rain will spread through the Ohio Valley, with a secondary storm taking shape somewhere along the Mid-Atlantic coast. The time frame for this potential winter storm would fall right around March 12-13.
"Hail Caesar!'"

Amish Mafia through the years: Here's why it's fake and always has been fake

Well, duh . . . Now they should do a story on the fakery of "Duck Dynasty."