Monday, May 13, 2013

Feds won't call Susquehanna River impaired despite drastic decline in smallmouth bass

The federal government has refused to overrule Pennsylvania officials and declare the Lower Susquehanna River impaired.

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, the private Chesapeake Bay Foundation and some environmental groups and anglers had implored the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to go over the head of the state Department of Environmental Protection and make the impairment listing, citing a drastic decline in the river's prized game fish, the smallmouth bass.

Such a listing would force the state to draw up a cleanup plan for the river.

But EPA accepted DEP's list of 7,009 impaired waters, which does not include the Susquehanna River.

However, apparently reacting to feedback from EPA and others, DEP changed its final listing on the Susquehanna's status.

DEP's original draft list had designated a 100-mile section of the Susquehanna, including Lancaster County's portion, as "unimpaired." The final list submitted to EPA changed the listing to say there was insufficient water-quality data to make an impairment determination.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Some things do get better

 A month or so ago, this fence was repaired.
(Previously, it had been damaged, as can be seen HERE.)

And over a week ago, the stray tires at the end of Wright Street were removed.  Thanks to those who cleaned up the mess. 
Job well done!

What I Saw Recently

Pics from around town . . 

 Cultural stereotype

 I'd love to be able to understand this conversation.

 Final resting place of the S.S. Minnow?

 Love in the park

 Left and right

 Burned out

 Killdeer by the tracks

The "broken-wing" display

 Quite a brood

 Watching - high . . . 

and low

Friday, May 10, 2013

Once again . . .

Columbia River Park, May 10, 2013

Resident of Landisville Campmeeting fights to have his taxes raised

A Landisville property owner believes he — and all his neighbors in a religious campmeeting group — should pay higher taxes.

Luke Hess, who owns a cottage in Landisville Campmeeting, told Hempfield school board Tuesday that the 27-acre tract along Church Street is improperly registered with the Lancaster County assessment office.

Property owners there pay a lower tax rate than they should, Hess says, "due to false information given to the county years ago."

It may be, according to board president Bill Jimenez, the first time a Hempfield resident asked the board for higher taxes.