Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What I saw this weekend

On Saturday, unseasonably warm temps convinced these small spring flowers to emerge.

Two mallards went wading in Shawnee Creek.

These guys went wading in the Susquehanna.

They were members of New Holland's Liberty Fire Company.

They trained on Saturday and Sunday at River Park.
(The three photos above were taken on Saturday.)

An overseer on shore watched the proceedings.

On Sunday, these folks were walking along the railroad tracks at the bottom of Locust Street.

They were searching for something.

 I assume they had placed a penny on the track, and it got lost after a train ran over it.  

About noon, clouds passed over the area, but didn't hang around.  
The sun returned mid-afternoon.

Columbia waste costs questioned - News - LancasterOnline.com

A business owner told Columbia Borough Council members Monday that sewer bills from his business in Mountville are half of those for a similar business in Columbia.
Given the price difference and the cost to residents of maintaining the aging Columbia wastewater treatment plant — even after proposed renovation — the owner of laundry businesses in both boroughs said he would have "no problem with (Lancaster Area Sewer Authority) taking over."
Two borough officials expressed new interest Monday in the question of maintaining the borough plant, which was last updated in 1972.

Read the full article here:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Columbia Community Easter Egg Hunt set for March 30 - LancasterOnline

Impact Christian Center will hold its annual community egg hunt on Saturday, March 30, at Glatfelter Field in Columbia, rain or shine.

The field opens at 9:30 a.m. for registration and 10 a.m. for games, events and a silent auction.

Admission and parking are free. Preregistration is required and can be completed by visiting the "Special Events" section of the center's website, at www.impact-christian.com; over the phone by calling 684-4770; by mail, at 156B Lancaster Ave. Columbia, PA 17512; or on the day of the hunt at the registration tent.

Registration is required for participants to be eligible for door prizes. Some 6,000 eggs are spread on the field for the event, which features six ages groups.

For more information on business and individuals who have donated prizes, visit www.impact-christian.com.

The event will include a silent auction featuring sports memorabilia and vacation packages up for bid. A concession stand and children's games are available for a nominal fee.
