Saturday, November 17, 2012

EXCLUSIVE: Citizen Chases McDonald's Robber As He Speeds Through Columbia, Wrecks His Car

From scanner and eyewitness reports:
A woman helped police apprehend a robbery suspect after a high-speed chase that passed through Columbia this morning.

Stacie K. Landis of Maytown stopped at the 24-hour Centerville McDonald's on her way to work at about 5:30 a.m. and noticed employees scrambling and shouting about an emergency. An employee pointed to a maroon vehicle leaving the parking lot and said to her, "That guy just robbed me."

Landis called 911, gave the information to the dispatcher, and then proceeded to follow the suspect west on Route 30. At some point, local police took over the pursuit, which continued across the Wrights Ferry Bridge to the Wrightsville exit where the suspect turned right onto Cool Springs Road.

After negotiating the meandering Wrightsville back roads, the suspect crashed his vehicle on Dark Hollow Road, just past Roan Lane, and tried to flee but was too injured. Police apprehended him, and an ambulance was dispatched.

Despite the chase, Ms. Landis arrived at her workplace in Lancaster on time but was disappointed that she did not get her food.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Walker convicted of first-degree murder for killing at homeless camp

Tyrick Walker

Go HERE for more information.

Go HERE for photos of last year's tent city where the murder occurred.

And the Golden Flying Flip Flop Award Goes to . . .

 . . .  Columbia Borough Council, who, in their one brief shining moment of courage and lucidity, proceeded to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in a lame motion to pass a motion with emotion to ignore a motion in motion to disband the Columbia Historic Market House Trust.  (WTF?!) 

In reviewing the convolutions that led to the Council's original nomination for the award, the Borough solicitor noted that the quintessentially Romney-esque nature of their recent flip flop merited this honor.  He added that the Council might also be eligible for a Golden Waffle, which will be awarded at the end of the year.

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Elusive Escape Clause At Last?

The following article is reprinted, with permission, from Columbia PA Online and pinpoints what might be the elusive "escape clause" in Columbia Borough Council's contract with the Columbia Historic Market House Trust.  As stated in the article, the Trust has allegedly violated the conditions enunciated in the contract.  If that is the case, the Borough has the right to terminate its agreement with the Trust.  
Therefore, the urgent and pressing question hanging ponderously over our heads is:
Why hasn't this been done?

Read This and tell me how it sounds to you……

Back in February, Borough Council asked the trust to get a copy of a few things and to get insurance and also create a code of ethics. The trust handed in one thing and did not do the rest of it. When it was asked for by the citizens of the Borough back in March & April & May & June & July & August & September & October and OOh yes, November too!... and at the special meeting held earlier this week….. NOTHING!  Why is there no compliance?  Now upon receiving a copy of the contract between the Borough and the Trust, please review the  section in  there that pertains to such things.  Also, NOTE no names are given… therefore, the TRUST is not locked in by names, just the group called Trust.  We have an out clause and yet the solicitor said, NOT!!  You be the judge!!


12.1  An event of default by TRUST shall occur hereunder if:

(a) TRUST fails in any material  respect to comply promptly and diligently with any provision of this Agreement and such failure remains uncorrected for forty-five (45) days after receipt of written notice thereof; or
(b) TRUST makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, files bankruptcy, voluntary applies for protection under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws, or is adjudicated as bankrupt.
12.2 An event of default of OWNER shall occur hereunder if OWNER fails any material respect to comply promptly and diligently with any provision of this Agreement and such failure is uncorrected in forty-five (45) days after receipt of written notice thereof.
12.3 FAILURE TO CURE:  Should defaulting party fail to cure within the appropriate time frame, the party not in default shall thereupon have the right to TERMINATE this Agreement by giving written notice to defaulting party, and specifying the effective date of termination. Further, the event of uncured breach by TRUST, OWNER shall have the right to regain operational and other such possession and control of the Market and all accounts established by the TRUST pursuant to this Agreement for whatever reason subsequent disposition it deems appropriate. In doing so, OWNER shall incur no duties or obligations to TRUST.

The TRUST has broken the FAILURE TO CURE rule many, many times, and the Borough solicitor says the Borough can NOT do anything about it. How's this make him look?????
Just so you are aware - the 45 day clause exceeded months ago!!!!!!