Sunday, July 21, 2013

What I saw recently

Some pics from around town over the last few days . . .

 Forgotten cap at Park School playground

 License plate


 Broken window at Our Lady of the Angels on Sunday morning

 A closer look

 They're b-a-a-a-ck!!!  And the walkways show it.  What's the old saying about spit through a goose?  Oh that's right, it's not "spit."  

 Rose of Sharon complete with bumblebee

 Wagon wheels at Burning Bridge Antiques

With a little work, this tree at Laurel Hill Cemetery could be a topiary sculpture of Snoopy.  All he needs is a nose . . . and maybe a pair of World War I flying ace goggles.


Anonymous said...

again as usual, this is absolutely totally unacceptable....just read columbia news and views....WHY will the Boro spend $5,900 to clean up 530 Walnut Street????? Why isn't it condemned??? why is someone allowed to live in it???where in the heck is the codes dept??? this has been ONGOING for at least a couple of months. Really? If you lived beside it, you'd understnd. and there are more of these properties in this Boro. I WANT TO KNOW WHY THE CODES DEPT IS NOT DOING THEIR JOB. STILL. AGAIN. NEVER. RIDICULOUS. AS A TAXPAYER, I WANT ANSWERS. WHY ARE THESE PROBLEM PROPERTIES NOT BEING CITED, NOT BEING TAKEN CARE OF. NOT CONDEMNED. TENANTS NOT FORCED TO MOVE OUT?????? WHY?????? instead, codes dept continues to harass the taxpaying homeowners for grass thats a little long (maybe i didn't have any days off work for 10 days-at least I work)...or for a car i can't afford to get inspected right now...i have to save enough $$$ because of the exorbitant taxes in this boro....what about the rental properties that have trash and rubbish and look trashed EVERY DAY???? AND ON THE MAIN STREET. i just don't "get it" WHY ??? take a walk thru downtown. amazing at the amount of scum conditions.

Anonymous said...

what a sin....i hope they catch the punks who broke the glass door at Our Lady of Angels school. it's a sad day.
and....hopefully people are NOT feeding these filthy (but beautiful) geese.....what a serious health hazard.
"Snoopy" is pretty cool :)

Anonymous said...

have to say i also agree.....WHY??? indeed. WHY ???

Joe Lintner said...

I agree - a lot of issues aren't being addressed, or are being addressed improperly, and I don't understand why.

Joe Lintner said...

I hope they catch the vandals, too.
The geese are creating" problems" down at the park.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the negative comments about the geese at the river park? Hmmmm hope the publicity about the water fowl's natural instinct to congregate to a water souce didn't plant the seed for the abuse of the goose.