Monday, April 22, 2013

Those comments keep coming in

Just so things don't get "lost in the sauce," I'd like to point out two posts that have been getting a lot of comments from readers lately.
The following post about a speeding motorist has evolved into a debate in the comments section on the pros and cons of the Lancaster Area Sewer Authority (LASA):
Secondly, there's this one, whose comments discuss the Columbia River Park:
I'm glad readers have found this blog to be useful as a public forum, and since I believe spirited debate is healthy for democracy, I'll continue to publish comments (provided they're not libelous or obscene).


Anonymous said...

thanks Cole. it's ALL about CONTROL.....hopefully we are smarter than that ! i hope to see you all at this Thursdays joint mtg !
WE ARE THE TAXPAYING HOMEOWNERS OF THIS BORO AND WE CAN DO GREAT THINGS - don't forget the $2 million for the hub at River Park, that should be used for the upgrade or new sewer plant.

Anonymous said...

sorry but this ALL makes me someone afraid that concerned taxpaying citizens may show up for this joint mtg on Thursdasy April 25 at 6:30 ?? WE NEED TO ATTEND. HEAR WITH OUR OWN EARS.