Sunday, February 5, 2023

About Town - February 5, 2023

Recent photos of Columbia

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.) 

Holy Trinity Cemetery has an abundance of crosses, as seen here Saturday at dusk.


Demolition on the ol' McGinness household began Thursday.

At one point, all that was left was the ol' fireplace.

By Friday, that was gone too, leaving just an ol' hole in the ground.


Santa's still hanging around . . .

. . . so is this Christmas train filled with gifts.

Never mind that stupid groundhog. Robins are the true harbingers of spring. A flock of about 20 of them invaded the 500 block of Chestnut Street on Saturday, and voila - today is about 25 degrees warmer.

Here's further proof spring is on the way - a bud about to bloom.

More window art at Fragments of the Past by anndope -
Her Instagram, with a time-lapse of this project being created, is HERE.

Columbia's going fiber. Fiber is good for you.


Three in a row at River Park

The Quakers were here.

At Brett Miller's office: U.S. Flag, Pa. Flag, U.S. Flag, and . . . ?

One of the many signs installed downtown this week

Columbia's only bookstore (100 block of Walnut)

This roller coaster-looking thing is just more equipment for the Columbia Water Company's water intake project.

Truck full o' $$$

A pipe protruding into Avenue G.
What could go wrong?
To be fair, this was removed recently.

It was said at a recent council meeting that Columbia is an open trash can.
Here's proof.^^^^

This house on Locust Street burned almost a year ago under suspicious circumstances, and not much has been done about it.
Columbia Spy reported on the fire HERE.

This is posted on the front door.

Coming February 14

There's a new tattoo shop coming to town at 447 Cherry Street.

Grandpa was in the window, as well as the images below.

This appears to be part of the structural formula for psilocybin.
Only Walter White would know for sure.