Saturday, August 15, 2015

Much unrest in town tonight

Continued problems on Fourth Street
(The girl in the last photo was allegedly in an altercation and resisted arrest after police handcuffed her.)



  1. This town is in.a mess what does all this prove?

  2. People are behaving very badly tonight.

  3. Why do people act like animals?
    Those who resist arrest should be charged too....
    There are kids in this town who shouldn't have to see that crap. Is it any surprise that some grow up to repeat the pattern?

  4. i'm so sad i could cry. this is a disgrace. these people are NOT Columbians. these renters and hangers on need to leave. stop renting to these trouble makers. we true Columbians want NO part of this bs. take control now. stop it now. i'm 60 born and raised here.

    1. I agree with u stop renting to these section 8 welfare people. Thou shall act like monkeys shall be treated like monkeys

    2. U can't group all those who receive help from section 8 to act like this I guarantee most of these KIDS that are acting like this come from homes that are owned by their parents!..But you are right about one thing if u act like a fool, treat them as such.

    3. Fact is columbia, had a rough background, yes, but it wasn't until the early 90's when for some reason, low income housing and section 8 became an overwhelming part of that town. When you receive things for free, you don't respect it as much. The town has gone to crap since. When I was younger it was cleaner, and a nicer place to live. And that was south fifth

    4. Some of you people are so stupid and ignorant! So quick to judge someone not knowing who they are or where they come from. Right away you want to assume that its someone on section 8 or welfare. What's they next comment that the kid is uneducated? On drugs?! Grow up!

  5. That's bs. Because I'm a 32 year old single mom who is on ssi and yes I have a past nothing drug or abuse related but nothing for at least 4.5 years I cleaned up my life and am tryin everyday to get on track I don't do this bs... I don't deserve to be lumped in w people who abuse the system. I am a great renter and a good person. .. that's just small mindedness and no different than the indifference that's already gotten into this mess

  6. That cop shouldn't have done that. Cops these days are very retarted with how they handle situations they quickly want to arrest someone or jump into things when they don't even know the story then want to say people resist arrest if they do there job rite maybe nothing would've got out of hand the way it did but with cops being real stupid lately is terrible and nobody can say shit because until something this bad happens to you or a close family member u will realize it I don't support the cops actions. And this is my opinion I have freedom of speech.

    1. Such hypocrisy. Of course you have freedom of speech which is the core of what this is all do those who wish to fly the confederate flag.

      It almost seems as if this person is subscribing to Baltimore's mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake philosophy "you have to give them space to destroy".

    2. If people wouldn't act like animals the police wouldn't need to do there job and if what they are doing isn't good enough for you why don't you join the police force and show them how it's done?
      That's what I thought.... So quit disrespecting the police...Sure they make mistakes they are not Jesus but to accuse them of being retarded is ignorant in and of itself.....Show some darn respect if your even capable eh? Leave the cops alone they do a lot of good for this town even for you or your family should you ever need them.......they wouldn't be retarded then would they?
      Grow up

  7. Name one time in recent history white people rioted.

  8. There are so many ignorant facts. I just can't decide which one to comment on.

    First things first. Please don't use the word *retarded*. It's down right freaking rude. As adults you should refrain from using that word. I don't say it and I don't allow anyone in my household to say it.

    Secondly, the cops acting stupid lately. How do you expect our police force to act? Do you know they work 12 hour shifts? Do you think since 8/10 they haven't had to work OT? These police officers had an extreme rough week. I spoke to 1 who came in at 6pm and when I spoke to him on 4th st. Close to midnight he hasn't even had lunch or a light snack. It's sad he had to babysit and didn't get to enjoy a meal. Maybe they were rough but that doesn't give anyone the right to say they are acting stupid. These officers are exhausted. Between wasteful police calls, catching speeders, fight calls, domestic disputes and babysitting these officers are exhausted. Why don't you walk a mile in their shoes? Especially this past week? You couldnt and you wouldnt.

    Third, Every race sells drugs. Every race uses drugs. Nothing new has gone on for ages.

    Lastly, Why is welfare and section 8 always thrown into a debate when it has do with minorities? I'm a person with a Puerto Rican background. I own my home and my car. My son has mental issues and we are not on welfare or get any type of funding. Again, every race gets funding and every race abuses our system. Not just the minorities.

    We need to work together to get our community back. If you can sit there and judge someone because YOU are ASSUMING they get some type of assistance YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

    Never judge a book by its cover because you don't know what's really inside or where they came from. You don't know if they lost a parent, grandparent or any other immediate family member that helped them when times were tough. It's sad but you just don't know. Maybe they need a hug or someone to tell them they love them. Some kids don't get that. Some kids just need some TLC and as a community we need to do that. I've seen many kids who need a hug or just want to hear I Love You, I have Faith in You. Never Give Up. You need not to judge because you just don't freaking know what they go through at home.

    1. Very well said.

    2. Great comment and so true.....
      People need to leave those less fortunate alone.........No one on this earth is better than any other. We all breathe the same air and we all bleed red.......
      People need to put this crap aside and unite that would help cut the racism down cause then the kids would look at someone of another color as a person maybe brother or sister instead of breeding hatred in the hearts of young ones...
      Any one want to organize a love walk? Where ever person of every color/backround joins together to support the human race???
      That would be the right thing to show our young people or how about a gathering with signs supporting and thanking the local police?
      How about putting that negative energy people spend on hating and turn it into something good
      you can make lemonade out of a lemon what choice do you want to make???

  9. They can't! ha ha

  10. Thanking the local police for knocking a juvenile's teeth out? That was West Hempfield, but still they are "local".

  11. when you act like an animal those things happen not the cops fault.......... If that girl minded her biz which i mentioned before some people in this town have a problem with that, she wouldn't have been put in that situation to begin with so How is that the cops fault? Like I said if you can do better go apply for a job and see if you can do it better..... Let us know when your on the beat otherwise quit your f'n whining...... Cry a river then build a bridge and get over it k? Are you capable of that??? THank God the police were there to control things before they got worse and you have the nerve to bust their balls...... Shame on you!

  12. The cops are not your friends, the sooner you get that, the better off you will be. And yes, I'm good at whatever I set out to do.

  13. Let me understand, whatever that girl did, you are saying she deserved to get her face bashed on the sidewalk and her teeth knocked out? SHAME ON YOU.

    1. She shouldn't have caused a problem and the police would not have had to respond to the problem she was involved in she put herself there no one else certainly not the cops.... They unfortunately had to respond....
      too bad for her I support the cops even though I may disagree with them at times it's no reason to hate on them or be disrespectful towards them.

  14. An ambulance should have been summoned to take that girl to the ER for evaluation. She could have had a concussion or even a broken jaw. I hope someone has stepped up to her defense.

    1. was there anything from stopping you from calling for medics/ambulance?

    2. That's what I'm paying the cops to do, there were enough of them there. That is a good idea though, an ambulance call may have surprised them.

    3. So there was nothing stopping you per your own admission from calling medics so shut the heck up and quit your whining...
      Judge not lest ye be judged.
      It's not just the cops responsabilty it's any one who alleges a need for a medic but that's Columbia for you most everyone would rather stand around with their little recording devices waiting for drama they can capture and post instead of calling for medics when as you claim they were allegedly needed....
      The Police were busy dealing with a situation if you were so concerned you should have called....
      So put an egg in your shoe and beat it will ya? And let the cops alone........................

  15. Here's an example: Sandusky was treated better than this juvenile girl was and he raped boys. Now there's someone that deserved to have their face bashed in and their teeth knocked out. It is, at the very least, excessive force and if she was handcuffed before her face hit the concrete, it is brutality.

    1. with Sandusky that case really bothered me it was all based on "hearsay" same thing happened to Paterno and he was cleared.... No proof just he said she said...............And if it were at all true what kind of a mother after allegedly reporting it way back when would continue to subject their kid to the abuse they allege happened......? Sad thing!
      Just cause someone alleges something doesn't make it true.....
      They could allege the same thing about anyone including you........

    2. that is a matter of your opinion.
      If your so good at what you do and think you will do a cops job better go be one otherwise shut up......
      It was her fault she had no business getting involved except to further cause a problem and that is my opinion.... Mind your own business is the moral here not police brutality or whatever else your alleging....
      She has herself to blame not the police... Also if you don't like the local yocal police cops move somewhere else eh? Really no one is forcing you to stay in Columbia that is where you choose to live so if you don't like it nothing and no one is stopping you from leaving,,,,,,Quit disrespecting the cops Shame on you........By the way police are required to use necessary force to subdue a subject and that is not excessive heck they are even allowed to use deadly force if necessary so quit whining and grow up and cops wouldn't have to respond to people who put themselves in those kinds of situations....
      Seems to me the only thing your good at is whining and that is my opinion........How about that cop job?
      Again let us know when your on the beat k? Other wise quit whining................

    3. I'm beyond the age limit to become a cop. I will never stop defending the rights of others, to do so would be unforgivable. Just because someone has been given power does not mean they will use it properly. Making a clear statement is not whining and no, as long as I'm able to speak, I will not shut up as you so rudely request. That is what people want when they no longer have an argument.

    4. what a lame excuse to run your mouth and if you don't like the police here move somewhere else maybe to your own little castle where you can live by your own doctrines eh?
      Who's right's are you standing up for those who have the right to fly their flag or freedom of speech?
      I agree some cops do abuse their powers but one rotten apple doesn't spoil the bunch and the local cops though they lack resources that is not their fault nor does it mean they did anything wrong.. ..I'm all for rights too but when you go looking for trouble you can't expect not to find it......
      Then people want to complain their rights were violated blah blah blah
      How's that for an argument? I don't think your capable of shutting your mouth I'll put you on my prayer list too while I'm at it in fact I'm going to pray right now
      Dear heavenly father,
      Please help all people to unite as one and to respect others instead of just their own opinion. Help our police and provide them with resources they may need.....Help people who have trouble starting drama to mind their own business.

  16. You all are missing the point she got slammed because there are only three cops on seen any of these wannabe gangsters could have a gun y even ask for the bike right now simple fact all them kids in that photo that were at a riot were there for trouble they got trouble now they wanna cry about it its called don't go looking for trouble

  17. I think everyone needs to show each other respect here. This site is about "bashing and nothing else". The anger is just going to continue with each posting. Leave it rest and call it a day.

    1. Good idea, if everyone would just stop voicing opinions we could all get along. The anger should stay under the surface. The same goes for wars, don't look at it and don't talk about it and it will no longer exist. Go about your own cozy business and continue to pretend that all is right with the world. An injustice to one is an injustice to ALL. Ignore it until it hits home.

  18. Freedom of speech and the right to fly the confederate flag are one in the same, both covered under the first amendment to the Constitution. Pray all you want, there is no God of any kind, anywhere. That being said, I always respect another person's right to worship as they please. As is your case, everyone also has the right to be wrong.

    1. that is your opinion I believe there is a God and I bet if you ever were put in a tragic situation or maybe your loved one comes down with terminal illness for the sake of discussion here let's say cancer I'd bet you'd pray real quick to a God you claim doesn't exist, it's called fox hole faith.....
      Further more at schools they used to be able to pray at football games and in school till someone had a problem with it but yet when tradgetys like Sandy hook happen what is the first thing they do? Then it's ok to pray in school or at school right?
      I pray God will be revealed to you. You also have my pity
      For all those atheist how can you hate something you claim doesn't exist? Like God?

  19. Separation of church and state is the law. I was raised to believe and prayed daily for many years. The more educated I became and the more of life I saw, I finally realized that there are no Gods. I watched family members and friends die from maladies, including cancer. No amount of prayer was changing any of that. I never said that I "hated" God, so do not twist or put words where they aren't. Obviously, one cannot hate what does not exist. Lastly, thanks for the pity, but I won't be needing it so pass it on to someone else.

  20. God didn't give your alleged family members and or friends cancer.....That came along in my opinion after chemicals/preservatives were put in food. In my opinion cancer was man made. People don't live forever your right praying and God won't change that. God protects his people and when your time is up it is up..........It's your choice if you choose not to believe..........Evil is what makes bad stuff happen to good people not God
    Your right about my pity for you you need God's mercy instead hope you find it one day

  21. Didn't twist my words either regarding athiest you misunderstood it was meant generally and is a fact people can't claim to hate something at the same time they claim does not exist so please don't twist my words either.

  22. Regardless what is said next, I will no longer respond, but I must again correct statements. I never said or implied that "God" gave my family members cancer. They are not "alleged" family and friends, they are/were. You state that praying and God can't change the fact that people dont live forever, but If your "God" is so great why can't he change that? I consider myself to be a good person that treats others fairly, even those I do not particularly like, in fact I have gone out of my way to help others. I have not and will not force my beliefs on others, nor will I look down on them for their beliefs. I have found Christians to have a "better than you" attitude. I do not expect "God's" mercy and you shouldn't either because its not coming. Good night.

    1. sweet dreams! I'm no better than you. i just believe differently doesn't make you better or me better your right in that far as why God doesn't change things perhaps you could ask him yourself......
      I'm a believer not God or Jesus.... or encylopedia

  23. that girl is my grand daughter those cops definitely used excessive force she had to have extensive dental and facial repair she is not on welfare or section 8 was on the way to a movie wrong place wrong time opinions are like ass holes everybody has one and they are all cracked blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth only then will we know peace


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