Saturday, August 15, 2015

Bike patrol


  1. it's sad to think we are regressing back to old times does anyone remember the racial riots of Columbia back in the day I thought we were past that obviously not what a shame

  2. We are never past our past. Learning from it is the important part which we seem to have a very hard time doing. This kind of "poke in the eye" demonstration of free speach is silly. To bad we cannot learn.

  3. Yes, by law they can fly the flag, but they are flaunting it in order to get a reaction. Placing it in the bed of a pickup truck and driving it all over town is an attention seeking display. Thanks for the pics, now we all know what idiots look like.

  4. this is unacceptable. this craziness must stop. true Columbians step up. be visible. be proud. be kind to your neighbor. do NOT let this continue. wake up America. seriously? we have MANY foreingers living in town now, some buying properties left and right, most of which can't speak English very well. MAYBE you SHOULD BE PAYING ATTENTION to that.

  5. i agree 100%. you SHOULD be paying MORE attention to all the foreigners who are living here & buying property. they don't speak English. don't want to., won't. AND they take hard earned $$$$$ from our wallets and benefits MEANT for the people who have lived here and worked here and contributed all their lives. these people move here AND take ALL the FREE $$$ our Government gives them and it's MORE than we can EVER IMAGINE. WAKE UP AMERICA. This IS America. We need to take care OF OUR OWN.
    The US USED to be a SUPERPOWER. NO MORE. IT'S BEING RUN INTO THE GROUND. we are now a laughing stock. Wise up. Educate yourselves. Demand accountability.


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