Sunday, February 27, 2022

About Town - February 27, 2022

Recent photos of Columbia

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.)

Cat in a mouse hole?

Setting sun

Columbia Presbyterian in the evening

On the 300 block of Locust

Old wrought iron fence

Tundra swans flying over - a sign of spring

Canada geese on the river

Old-time sleigh at Tollbooth

Lights at River Park

Coming soon to 921 Lancaster Avenue

Sparrow, perched

Looks like BB&T is now Truist.

These two Chinooks (here and below) flew over the other day, possibly in response to the Ukraine crisis.

In case you missed it, Trump's friend Putin is trying to take over the country.

That's one way to transport your goods.

Seen on Locust Street

The American Legion got its sign working.

Conditions were icy on Friday morning:


The Columbia School of Music is located at 401 Walnut Street.

The website is HERE.

Free food on the 300 block of Walnut

The Free Blessing Box is there.

Another look at Lloyd Mifflin's former home:


Frosty and icy conditions this morning:


A little further upriver

Abandoned bike frame

Another sign of spring

Along Bank Avenue

Historic Avenue J's history peeking through

"Every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals who he is."

A shooting occurred at 410 Locust Street on Saturday, in the middle of a "market day." Another shooting occurred at the same address last August. 
(This building also houses a daycare center.)

Those utensils from last week? They're still there on Locust Street.

Sheriff at 430 Walnut Street

Vinyl siding is being installed at the apartment building at the bottom of Locust as another addition to our plastic, fantastic historic district.

OSHA probably wouldn't approve of an extension ladder being used as part of a scaffold.

Dog shit - a common problem around town

Uh-oh, let's hope the pigeons and vultures don't get in.

Down at the river: lights, reflections, and dramatic atmospheric displays:


Sunday morning eagle flyover

This setup is still out there on an old bridge pier.
Someone probably knows what it is.

 A disk of ice along the shore. 
Let's hope the cold weather is on its way out.