Sunday, February 16, 2014

What I Saw - February 14, 2014

When you're out shoveling your sidewalk, do a favor for the firemen (and maybe yourself) and dig out the fire hydrant in your neighborhood.

 As someone did here

 But not here

Or here

 Here's a work in progress

 As is this, because it sure isn't completed.

 As I said before, some do and some don't.

 The mailman had to push his cart up the highway - into oncoming traffic - because some sidewalks were not shoveled sufficiently (or at all).

That's one big pile of dirty snow.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Tom Corbett Loves Puppies

Tom Corbett Loves Puppies, 

But 4 People Still Died Today Because He Won't Allow Medicaid Expansion

That’s according to a new study by researchers at the Harvard Medical School and the City University of New York.
The study says that Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett’s refusal to expand Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act will result in 1,491 deaths this year.
Why is Corbett turning down federal funding for Medicaid expansion? Because he is playing politics over Obamacare in an election year. He wants to turn Medicaid over to his corporate insurance friends and impose illegal restrictions on who can be covered.
Every day Corbett delays the expansion of Medicaid in Pennsylvania 4 more people will die.
Expanded Medicaid coverage will not only prevent deaths, it will increase employment in Pennsylvania. A Families USA study showed that expanded coverage will result in over 40,000 new jobs in PA.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

More snow on the way

We could get a foot of snow on Thursday, according to the National Weather Service.

Meanwhile, in Sweden . . .