Monday, November 10, 2014

Two of a kind

On Barber Street today . . . 
I didn't know these were street legal, especially two abreast.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Public official resorts to name-calling on social media

The information shown above was relayed to me by someone who reads Facebook and shows why I have come to disregard that site. The comment is just another example of the rumor, innuendo, and unsubstantiated statements found there. Did I mention “potentially libelous”?

I wonder if the person named above is Councillor Jody Gable of the Columbia Borough Council. Unless I'm shown otherwise, I'll assume it is. The Facebook profile indicates an educated person even if the comments do not. I sense a person with a lot of anger, some of which is directed at me.  Since this attack was personal, I'll make my response personal:

Have I offended you in some way in the past, Jody? If you are who I think you are, then your comments are outrageous, to say the least, for a person of your position and standing in the community. Your mindset might be one of the reasons many people have such a negative view of council. Are you angry because I report what goes on at council meetings? Do you prefer operating in the dark and keeping citizens uninformed?

Do I need to mention that you - a public official - have called a citizen a derogatory term on social media? Again, outrageous. The lack of professionalism shown here is appalling.  Also, your comment incited members of the community to post negative comments about me - very inadvisable for a public official. Very bad form.

Further, I'll thank you not to tell me what news to publish on my site. A government official attempting to restrain publication of news indicates a desire for censorship and fits the definition of "prior restraint," as I alluded to in my original article. That you have done so reinforces the need for awareness of First Amendment rights - my original point.  The First Amendment even guarantees the right to post blather on Facebook. Thank you for helping make my case.

My intent in my blog post was not to offend, but to pay tribute to a beloved citizen, and to relay my experience in gathering information about this tragic event and the difficulty in doing so. First Amendment rights do not stop with tragedy. They're not just for “happy” times.

You say I never post your comments, but I post almost all the comments I receive. I don't post those I deem libelous or obscene. Were they yours, Jody? You have now gotten your wish: Not only have I posted your comment, I've also given it its own headline.

As for the “real Columbians,” who are they? I'll wager I've lived here longer than you have. I've paid taxes here for decades, which I suppose gives me some right to speak out on the good and the bad.

Please tell me what line I crossed, what it delineates, where it is located, and who drew it.

I'll close by thanking you for reading my blog and for directing web traffic here.  My hits for today are almost double.

By the way, you misspelled “pitiful.”

Filling in

The "swimming pool" next to Burning Bridge Antiques is just about filled in.

Sis remembered

A memorial for Sis has started at 3rd & Walnut.

View from a scene

Columbia has lost a beloved icon – Mildred “Sis McPeat" Brown – as a result of last night's tragic accident on Third Street. More than anyone else, “Sis” embodied the spirit of Columbia – grit, self-reliance, and determination. She could often be seen around town, patronizing Stover's, or carrying bags of groceries up the highway from Musser's (which I'm told she visited every day). With 89 years behind her, Sis was a bridge from the past to the present, and many here will feel her loss.

I was saddened when I heard the news at last night's accident scene, so I don't want to inject the spirit of contentiousness, but as I was shooting photos and talking to people, a Columbia Borough Police officer approached and asked if I was affiliated with a Columbia website. I replied that I was, but in retrospect, I think he was referring to one of the Facebook sites. He suggested that I not continue to photograph the scene, because it was a potential crime scene, and that I don't publish any photographs for a few days, due to the ongoing investigation. I told him I had already posted one via cell phone and asked if I should remove it. (I showed him the photo on my phone.) He implied I should use my discretion, and suggested obliterating any images of the license plate number of the vehicle in question. I thus got the impression it was OK to leave the photo on, and I subsequently blacked out the car's plate number.

The officer said police have the right to confiscate cameras at such a scene and hold them for a few days until after the investigation, at which point they would be returned. He also said the DA has the power to hold cameras – and I think I understood him to say that the DA's office could extract photos from any confiscated camera before returning it. I told him I definitely don't publish photographs of accident victims, since doing so could be grounds for legal action, but I said I didn't realize there are restrictions on “crime scenes.” I previously researched the topic and found it is legal (with a few specific exceptions) to photograph anything that can be seen from public property - or even private property, if the public has free access to it. (In public there is no expectation of privacy. “Public” by definition is not “private.”) It is also legal to publish such photographs, as long as they're not derogatory or used for commercial gain without the subject's permission. Even though I considered the officer's “request” an exercise in “prior restraint,” I gave him the benefit of the doubt, thinking there might have been a recent decision I was unaware of - or some nuance of the law allowing for my arrest or confiscation of my camera.

I told the officer I would comply with postponing further publication of photos, due to his admonition and the sensitivity of the incident. I told him I saw Vinny Tennis of the Sunday News taking shots of the scene, and he replied he had seen him. (I think Vinny had left by that time.) I also wondered why no warnings had been issued to anyone in the sea of cell phones flashing shots of the scene, but I decided to comply and follow my rule of never challenging or interfering with personnel at a scene. Their job is hard enough, but if the scene was so sensitive, why wasn't it cordoned off several blocks away and onlookers barred?

I checked LancasterOnline for an update at about 10:30 that evening, two hours after I'd left the scene, and was surprised to see they had posted seven of Vinny's photographs of the scene (currently, there are nine), including one clearly showing the license plate number of the vehicle allegedly involved. Subsequently, I posted several photos from my camera card last night, as well as several more this morning, figuring if I'm charged, LNP will have to be, also.

So, was the officer wrong in telling me to delay posting the shots? Did he overstep his authority in doing so? Was he bluffing me? What was the motivation for singling me out? Although I can't confirm it, I suspect a directive originated from a West Hempfield officer at the scene. Unlike our officers, whom I've found to be personable, professional, and courteous, West Hempfield has often been overbearing and heavy-handed.

Unless there is evidence to the contrary, I still believe I had - and have - the right to shoot and post photos of the scene. I believe the First Amendment guarantees that.  Unless I receive an edict to remove them, the photos will remain.

Cycle Den owner copes with son's death by raising money to fight fatal illness

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pedestrian hit at 3rd & Walnut

An elderly Columbia woman was struck by a vehicle this evening at North Third and Walnut at about 6:45.
The victim was classified Class I trauma and rushed to the hospital in critical condition.
An accident reconstruction team arrived on the scene. According to a Columbia Borough police officer, the team uses a device that photographs three-dimensional images.

UPDATE: According to WGAL-TV's 6:30 a.m. Sunday broadcast, the victim was 89-year-old Mildred Brown, who later died from her injuries. (Columbians will remember her as "Sis McPeat.")