Sunday, January 17, 2021

About Town - January 17, 2021

This week's photos of Columbia

(Click/tap on photos to see larger, sharper images.) 

Until recently, this was what was left of HARB. Members resigned on principle a few months ago when three councillors voted against their recommendation. Mayor Lutz cast the deciding vote against HARB. New members were recently installed by council.

PPL doesn't really allow signs on their poles. 
Strangely enough, a borough official posted the HARB notice in the previous photo. 

A walk along Bank Avenue on a sunny day

New sheriff(s) in town

There they are now.

Flags like this were carried in DC on January 6th.

There was another house connected to this one. It was demolished several years ago to make way for an apartment building, which, so far, has not materialized.

The Z's can almost put you to sleep.

Two of the strange vehicles at K.T. Graham on Front Street

Pipes at the COLA building on Heritage Drive.

There's a light fixture there, too.

The fixture holds a bird's nest - warm and well protected.

Always do this.

Always do this, too, unless you think it limits your freedom.

The mayfly is still standing strong.

A well-worn arrow pointing to a well-worn path

Golden light on Locust

Tree-trimming time

Many people gathered to say goodbye to Jeff McMillen this week.

One of the original awnings?

Fenced in along 4th

Fenced in along Avenue X

A hello or a goodbye?

Don't loiter or trespass here.

Smucker hitched his wagon to a falling star.

According to this recently placed sign, the tattered flag on Locust Street DOES represent the state of our nation. 
The note reads: "I love this country but it is torn and tattered like this flag it is ripped apart. No unity. I mean no disrespect."
Columbia Spy posted a photo of the flag last week HERE.

There's some sort of structure in Shawnee Run.

Here it is.


New mausoleum in Holy Trinity Cemetery

Did a car explode in this backyard?

Park your bus here.

Muddy steps to the river

Don't lose your head in these trying times.

A lookout sporting 80's hair

Roadwork on the 200 block of Locust

Boundary along Bank Avenue

This might be considered an attractive nuisance.
Kids and critters could get in there, if they haven't already.

Nikes, aloft

Avenue D ends abruptly halfway between 3rd and 4th Streets.

Apartment doors that open directly into the alley...?

Apparently, each of these has a silver lining.

Even so, it looks like we're Dumpster Town, USA:

Friday, January 15, 2021

Dozens gather to say goodbye to Donald Zink


Several dozen people, including members of local fire departments, gathered at a vigil Friday night to remember and say goodbye to Columbia firefighter Donald Zink.  More information can be found HERE.



Two Lancaster County residents were among those charged for illegal activities related to the Jan. 6 protests and attack on the Capitol.

According to police, Tara Coleman, 40, was charged with unlawful entry and curfew violation. Dakoda Westfall, 23, was charged with curfew violation.

Coleman, whose Facebook page indicates she’s from Strasburg, and Westfall, a 2016 Solanco graduate, could not be reached for comment. Westfall previously was interviewed for an article about a 2016 Trump “thank you” tour in Hershey.

FBI: Armed protests planned in all 50 states and DC leading up to Inauguration Day | WJAC

Aaron Katersky, an ABC investigative reporter, says a Monday bulletin from the FBI states: "Armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from 16 January through at least 20 January, and at the US Capitol from 17 January through 20 January."


Retired Lancaster city cop helping ID locals who went to DC; says it's 'citizen's responsibility'

A retired Lancaster police lieutenant has been sending the FBI photographs of county residents who went to Washington, D.C., last Wednesday to help the federal law enforcement agency determine if any of them broke the law.

Gerald Wilson, 67, of Manheim Township, said he believes anyone who knows a person involved in the attack on the U.S. Capitol should do the same.

"I think it's a citizen's responsibility for people who have evidence about the insurrection to contact the FBI and give them whatever information you can give," he said Monday.


GoFundMe set up for Donald Zink

Republicans in Pa., elsewhere change party affiliation after riot at U.S. Capitol

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — In the 36 hours after last week's deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, 112 Republicans reached out to the election office in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, to change their party registration. Ethan Demme was one of them.

"Ever since they started denying the election result, I kind of knew it was heading this way," said Demme, the county's former Republican Party chairman who has opposed President Donald Trump and is now an independent. "If they kept going, I knew there's no way I can keep going. But if you've been a Republican all your life, it's hard to jump out of a big boat and into a little boat."