Friday, May 29, 2015

Columbia's "Dammed" Shad Wars

Construction of a 6½-foot dam across the Susquehanna at Columbia in 1839 led to the most vicious of our local shad wars. The water held back by the dam was channeled into the Pennsylvania Canal paralleling the river.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

About town

Some recent town sights . . .

 Sails on the river

Sun-kissed bridge

First leg of the journey?

Codes department executes search warrant for Perry Street property

Residents have occasionally criticized the codes department, often with just cause, but the department has recently been pursuing resolution to code issues at 320 Perry Street.

 This notice, dated May 6, references several code violations.

And this is a posting of an application for a search warrant.

What's wrong with this picture?

Answer: There are at least two blatant violations of park regulations.

Let's get Columbia back in the swim

This photo was taken at Columbia River Park this afternoon.

During the discussion of River Park at Tuesday night's Meeting of the Whole, residents and councillors noted that people are using one of the docks as a home base for swimming in the river. This particular dock is designated for boat loading and unloading only, and is clearly marked "NO SWIMMING." Installing additional signage to address the issue was suggested, although the problem is not poor signage, but lack of enforcement. If the existing park regulations are not being enforced anyway, why not designate an area alongshore for swimming at one's own risk? Now that Locust Heights is gone, Columbia needs a swimming area. What better place than this great resource running right along our shore?

Po-jama People

A lot of folks have been wearing pajama bottoms around town these days - in public, during the day, as some sort of socially acceptable rebellion, or simply out of sheer laziness. Do they wear the same clothes to bed, after tromping around the streets, sitting in public places, and possibly using public restrooms? Let's hope not.
A few decades ago, Frank Zappa wrote a song that might be seen as a backhanded tribute to the public pajama wearers of today:

Everyone loves Loreto's

Loreto's tomato sauce - from Columbia